“You Wear That Badge With Honor” | QB Mike White Press Conference | The New York Jets | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Please OLine for the love of God. PROTECT THIS MAN!!!!


    Amen to that


    I think that’s the biggest key now that Mikes back.

    Anthony Hopkins

    @JT Say it again brother so the people in the back can hear !🤣 We need to invest in this guy right here, right now !

    Jesse Jordache

    Hey OLine, you know what you’ve been doing since MVL was injured? Do ANYTHING else. Literally. Running in random directions in the backfield should be considered if your usual “pocket protection” and “run blocking” aren’t dramatically improved.


    They have too, PLEASE!!!


Absolutely freaking love this kid he gets the ny /nj vibe he just fits . I would have loved playing with him in college you can tell he gets it!… those Scouts did him dirty during his draft year idc what anyone says

    ed schneidmuller

    Yeah, I really like this young man too. Hope he just dominates the next 2 games because I’d like to see him the Jets franchise QB proving all the nay sayer’s wrong.


    Scouts are bunk: Allen, Purdy, and White were lower than Zach…

Jon Fister

Amazing listening to him talk just feels different. His energy, perspective and in the now attitude. I really am rooting for him to show he can be a full time starter.

Scotty JetPack


Edward Mikusek

What a class act,just the way he carries himself. What a difference than Zach.God,please let the Jets win these 2 games.Lets go Jets!

Matthew Pordum

It’s impossible not to love love love Mike White. To all the talking heads that still don’t seem to “get it”, get why the team has rallied around him, well….shame on you….turn in your notebooks and tape recorders because I don’t think covering the sport is your calling. Seriously.

Daniel Savage

It’s amazing how relaxed the reporters even are when they interview Mike.

Mmmatt F

If everybody plays their part (including the OC!!)we’ll take care of business!!! Full confidence in #5 !!

Santo Viola

Please let him throw in the red zone.Enough FGs.Lets Go Jets!


Excited for this game. Easy guy to root for. Definitely has the right mindset to succeed. Hope he keeps improving and that the team can go on a run

Nelson C

This guy is like the perfect QB for NY. I’m a Giants fan and I love Jones but MW really impresses me! If the Jets let this guy get away then they really are a loser organization. Jets would be fools to let this go. FOOLS.


Can tell dude is just down to earth approachable very easy to like hopefully we win out


I can see why they love him in the locker room, Unlike others in the past Zach, Sam, even Geno. His answers are more relatable and you can tell that he gets it. He might now be that super talent like Zach but he he mentally gets it and that is 90% of playing QB

    Chris Kotwicki

    Zach is NOT talented at ALL he’s flashy. He can’t hit a screen pass

Frank Altrui

You can’t not like this guy!

sam cimino

Good Luck on Sunday. All Gas and PLEASE DON’T BREAK!!! GO JETS! 💚

David Hall Jr

As a Jets fan I really hope we can resign Mike White he’s tough as hell he should be a captain Go Jets 💯🗣️

robert vargas

Mike F white do your thing brother rooting hard for you what a stand up guy so much class and u can tell he is the ultimate team mate and appreciates his team mates and the game Lets go jets and finish strong fellas ✈️⚪️🟢🏈

    Rich Dubeau

    Yeah exactly. I know nobody cares but I loved the way he was GENUINELY cheering for Zach when he was on the sideline

WATCHMAN'S Channel of Despair

Whatever happens (and obviously, as a Jets fan, I hope it’s good), much respect to this QB, Mike White.

Tales of an Asphalt Jockey

Hard not to love this dude … hoping he’s our guy to lead us moving forward into 2023 & beyond.

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