Wyche, Aeneas Williams, Torrey Smith, & Michael Silver Roundtable – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Jonathan Dee The One And Only

I’m sure the comment section will be peaceful…

    Silent Reaper694

    Ur wish is to great

    Joe M

    It won’t happen bruh

    José Galdino Schutt de Carvalho

    there’s no way to blm and antifa to set the comment section on fire

    José Galdino Schutt de Carvalho

    or to loot the comment section…

William Justice

Check yourselves before you wreck yourselves

Rithvik Banda

Dont let this distract you from the fact that dallas is going 8-8

    Lilpaul waul

    Titus I meant corner

    Lilpaul waul

    Jonathan Dee The One And Only corner. You know
    I’m right tho that’s why you nit picked

    Lilpaul waul

    Blackthorn 461 corner. I accidentally typed quarterback stupid


    Lilpaul waul Well you edited this comment, you could have edited your original and changed it and you’d probably wouldn’t have gotten as much grief.

    Mohammad Abuali

    Facts Dallas going 8-8. Paul a quarterback😂😂😂

AJ Burthe

People think other people are racist. But in reality, most of them aren’t.




    AJ Burthe The word “racist” no longer has meaning, thanks to these idiots.


Meanwhile kids in China are being beaten for taking bathroom breaks, and these athletes just sign with Nike and ignore it cause they value money over childrens lives, why no one talking about that?

    Black Lives Matter Kiss My A55

    @Spencer 95% of all mobile phones are made in 4 Asian countries with China producing about 60% of the world’s mobile phones. Facts matter.


    Bye bye Trump 2020

    Black Lives Matter Kiss My A55



    Tom Collins

    Because they don’t believe Asian lives matter.

    Andre Wilson

    Steve Bannon was taken off of a Chinese billionaires yacht. With that much suffering, how do they have a billionaire? Players are looking at the green, just like our Congress ppl & prez. Just like their leadership. The struggle & suffering is due to wealth imbalance. 15% of the population control 95% of the wealth. Sports figures are entertainers, they have to make $$. Network decides the topic & which pieces to air. Pls stop being so shallow & blaming the wrong ppl. Most of those guys didn’t score well on SATs, that’s why they are used to push narratives. The unemployment rate of college educated black males is the highest of any group. Most sports guys dont have degrees. That’s who gets 2 b a millionaire. Whos choice is that? Why choose them? Darn trees always blocking the view of the forest. Aeneas Williams is the best CB that noone talks about. 😷

the hundanol

Who subs but doesent watch the vids


Identify the problem, find out the cause of the problem, then create a solution. Everybody is just saying “Don’t do this, don’t do that”, well what should we do then genius?

    Allan Catellier

    I think everyone knows what happened we see it every night on TV the United States is being destroyed by the by the far left Democratis in hope of the making this Country into a Socialized Nation 🇺🇸

    Tom Collins

    The problem is the thugs who get into trouble with the police. The police are the solution.

Joseph Edwards

You can’t expect for change to created effectively if this conversation and many others aren’t based on the truth. The truth can’t set you free if you don’t stand on it while you seek to create change based on truth. This conversation is based on a partial truth and an underlying lie. Cops are just killing unarmed Black people, they are killing people, period!!! That is wrong all the way around!!!

Paige McHugh

Your so done! Never watch or support you again! Your going to go broke yeah!

    Covid 1984

    Until bailout money, joke is on us.

Allan Catellier

I’m sorry but I have never seen this Nation so much anarchy in this Country I have never seen the color of any one or the nationality of any one I am a Veteran of the Vietnam War we are all Americans and I stand for the Flag of the United States and for our National Anthem our all my friends who died for nothing!! if you can not understand and you need to go to another Country that thinks like you do😡

    Divad Noodeldehm

    Thanks for your service sir. You guys went through a lot coming back. If it’d make you happy, I’ll punch a f**king hippy for you..

Born In Shithole Country

What ya’ll need to be talking about is how many millions of fans you’re losing this year. #NukeBLM

    Divad Noodeldehm

    Dismantle systemic cultural Marxism. Defund the NFL.

Asian Lives Matter

It’s funny how much I don’t care for these players cause they’re the same players who don’t care for my fellow Asians out their in Hong Kong


    Those losers will speak out against anything unless their sponsorship money is on the line

    Reba Davis


    Official BNAMusic88

    You dont even care. 🥴

    Mike Eckert


    Divad Noodeldehm

    The NFL’s values are the CCP’s values. They don’t represent America, they represent the Blue Church. The Blue Church consists of DAMAS – Democrats, Academia, Media, with Antifa as their street enforcers and Silicon Valley as their censorship engine. Recently we’ve seen the addition of additional divisions to the DNC’s shock troops. 1st Division Antifa “Soi Bois” 2nd Division “Obama’s Sons” and 3rd Division DNC Foreign Legion “Ted Kennedy’s Own”

Asian Lives Matter

Kaepernick is a sell out that’s facts

    Dang Le


    Marilyn Mann

    So is Mahomes! TOTAL SELL OUT!

LeChina James

Okay nfl black lives matter but Chinese and Nigerian lives don’t lol


    Chinese because of sweatshops? Hong Kong because of China? Nigeria because of?

Moe Money

NFL falling in the trap of BLM and race bating!

    Divad Noodeldehm

    I call it Systemic Al Sharptonism, or if the Silicon Valley censors get that, Systemic Jussie Smolletism.

Alessandro Machi



    Me too.

Necro Mancer

Been a NFL fan for forty years. This is gonna be the first season that I don’t watch. Politics has no place in football.

    Owen Avellar

    No one cares

    Necro Mancer

    @Owen Avellar Except for you because you commented.

    Owen Avellar

    Necro Mancer Nah I just wanna get a reaction outta you. I don’t actually care you not watching means nothing to anyone. People like you will now not talk about the games which is good because there’s too many bad takes on football so the weight is being cut

    Covid 1984

    Mental illness is not politics

Tom Collins

The police are essential employees. Football players aren’t.

Carlos l

But way George Floyd a criminal someone that died to a overdose and no where in the video that it’s a racist act

qt Zirxy

You guys should stream everyday on youtube.

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