Wyatt Teller: “We’re not hurting, and that’s what’s so beautiful about the backfield that we have.” – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Maxwell Falk

his improvement this year has been ridiculous

Irasema Carlvi Sanchez

This guy has been great!


Best guard in the NFL

Joseph Sturma

Your 2020 NFL MVP, folks

Husky Gaming

Maddens got him at a 70

    John Connor

    Husky Gaming Madden has been trash for years. They took out stuff that made it great back in Madden 2K like custom play editor and, other franchise features. EA will lose the licensing and, another company will be a better (highly customizable) NFL game.

    Husky Gaming

    John Connor Ik. That’s why I hate madden so much. It hasn’t been good since 12. It has no logic

mille DareViol

03:15 So Nice 💘💘

Detwaine Gantt

We need to go ahead and lock him up!!!!!

Dylan Gulley

Where is this Sunday’s micd up I got a good feeling it was Jarvis because of his 100th game


    I think it was Wyatt week 4


wyatt tellers been a beast #1 graded guard in the nfl rn it’s crazy

Charles Wallace

I’m So Proud Of You Mr. Teller!! I Love The Man That You Are! Love That You Believe And Keep The Faith!! You Just Needed Coach Callahan!! So glad you’re making a hall of fame name for yourself! ✌ And ❤


Hi Guys 😍💋 💝💖

Joe Irvine

You can tell the entire team has bought in and are playing selfless football. You can see the joy they have on the field and it’s contagious (In a good way) to us all

omi teJ xElis

I’m Alone 😍😥03:26

Alexis Patrick Reina Gay

Very happy 😍💋 💝💖♥️❤️

Louis Thompson

I was completely wrong about you!! I’ll admit that!!! I actually thought Drew Forbes was going to take your spot!!! Keep mauling and pancakin!! Resign him ASAP!!!

Benn Daniel Vai

The difference with the o line is the technique. Theyre pulling more than pushing. Its great. Thats all on coaching. Stefanski and Callahan are doing amazing. Pass protection is where we may struggle though.

Louis Thompson

Wyatt the one man riot!!!!

Random Uploads

Our defense better step up!

Chuck Courtney

WOW… This guy was made for Cleveland!

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