Would you rather: have no AC 🥵 or no internet 📲 #shorts – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Woody Wood

If your living in Texas, your saying cut this internet service right now!!!

Joe Monteiro Sports Shorts

Cut the internet. The world was a better place before it

Legend Kochis

I grew up in NY. Lifelong Giants fan. Moved to Arizona for 8 years and now I’m in south Florida. Trust me, you’ll choose no internet in a heartbeat

Sean Hampton

No ac no heat like one punch man lol


The correct answer should have been you would give up all three to get Lombardi trophies

Sattvik Papanasam

The fact that Jones is the only one who said no AC has to mean something


    It means he has ice in his veins, he don’t need AC

Dexter Smart

I’ll take NO INTERNET over just about anything! 💯


This is the year 🔥😤 BigBlue💙💙

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