Wink Martindale Getting Buzz for Giants Head Coach Opening | Ravens Final Drive – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE


    Yolanda B


Yolanda B

Can he take G Ro with him?!? 🤔

    Carla Campbell



    Yolanda : OMG! Please dont let G-RO go because I am emotionally attached to him like a pet dog that needs to be fed & walked each day.

    Yolanda B

    @prettysteeve47 G Ro was good for us – for a while. I just think we’ve outgrown his style of play.

    B Camm

    A package deal, huh??

Morris Samples

Time to give Rex a call!

    king shark


Carla Campbell

Someone needs to call for Greg Roman. But it would not surprise me if he gets no calls and he is on the team for the 2022 season. But fingers cross.

    True Son

    If Roman on the team next year….WE NEED TO BOYCOTT

    Michael Hession

    Houston or Chicago will get him.

    Carla Campbell

    @Michael Hession That would be wonderful!!

    Michael Hession

    @Carla Campbell Plus last year Culley was exposed in B-More only for Houston to get him and regret it.

Affluent Black Supremacist

I PRAY he takes Roman with him. We do a purge without having to fire anyone

    king shark

    @Affluent Black Supremacist … gaaaahdayum. You ain’t the avg with that vision. Daaaang.
    Maaaaaaan, its gotta be less than 10 fans can see that Humphreys toast reality. N geez cold water to the face say you right about brown vs Stanley. But that just couldn’t really be seen. But if you saw it, dang … hella good eye.

    Welp, we gotta do something, cause edc tried to field a team around paying Jackson just 4m this yr. Now he gotta maneuver the roster to pay Jackson no less than 25m this yr coming.

    Some feelings about to get hurt. 🥶

    John Burke

    all of yall are too hard on greg roman. you act like all blame should be pointed toward him. weve had a multitude of oline, rb injuries and lamar hasnt been healthy. hes kept us in some very serious games towards the end of this year w tyler “loft that ball” huntley. not to mention, hes one of the best offensive coaches and has been for years… what else does offensive raven football do?

    king shark

    @John Burke …. why is roman not a hc , when he’s had healthy teams before, since injuries are an excuse. How he go from sb oc , rejuvenated tyrod in buffalo, and got Lamar a MVP, how has that wonderful resume, not parlay him a hc job?

    Nobody is hard on greg Roman, just real on greg Roman.

    John Burke

    @king shark I don’t make the rules. You’re asking like I know what goes on behind the scenes.. Sounds like he’s just an offensive coach given his background if I had to guess!

    king shark

    @John Burke … ok


I’m ok with Wink but I wouldn’t be completely against him getting a HC job if we can get brian flores. If there’s one thing that guy knows is defense and what the way he was able to turn around the dolphins defense when he first got there was great. I would also be cool with Rex Ryan.


    The Ravens have pretty much always promoted within when a DC needs to be replaced. I’d be surprised if that changes if Wink leaves.

    King Tay

    Rex a be cool with his brother 💪🏾 😈organized chaos

    kevin spencer

    @Darren Pride We need a no-nonsense coach.

    Sam Ortmann

    Rex is on TV for a reason. His defenses fall apart without HOF talent in their primes (Ray, Ed, Revis).

    Jonahan Ngoma

    Flores would be great in the building but I don’t think he’d take a DC job he’s more likely to be a head coach somewhere

Blade Brown - Coont Noont Luva

PLEASE take the gig Wink. Just go!


Harbaugh please hire Ed Reed as DC !!! Ball out!

    king shark

    Think about this, ed reed said he wants to coach for bill billicheck over coming here. Sounds crazy right, but look at how ray, ed and suggs dont really mess with this organization while Harbaugh is coach.

    Think about it.


    @king shark What are you talking about? Ray comes to a lot of games and is in the locker room quite often. Suggs stays out of the spotlight on purpose everywhere. We all know Harbaugh and Reed didnt like each other. They would pass each other in the hall and not talk.

    king shark

    @Troy …. what’s the last game and locker room ray been too, what’s suggs reason to stay out the lime light, but bring him in for the last big ben game.
    😏 , yes tell me anything.


Move on from Wink and get a comp pick next year? Yes please! Bring in someone that can actually generate a pass rush. Look at the season Judon had in NE. Look at Za’Darius Smith the previous two season in GB.

    kevin spencer

    Don’t forget about Ngakoue good season. Wink’s scheme is to stop the run. If his blitzing fails, the pass defense fails.

ChieF TroN

Hopefully Roman goes… This offense needs a new light.

    king shark

    Been needed it.


Yes! Please Leave Winky Wink Martinale! It is time to KICK Winky Wink to the CURB and let him go and lets stop getting emotionally attached to these Ravens because Change is always constant and needs to happen for some teams for future growth! The NFL is a business and means NOT-FOR-LONG so you better get use to it. The Fans do not own the NFL teams , only the owners do and they reap the rewards .So lets not get it twisted!!

    king shark

    Except here and Pittsburgh, where u can live a long life if you win a sb, even if that sb was like in 2013.


Mike Zimmer and Brian Flores would be excellent DC additions if Wink leaves

    Bird Scofield

    Great point!! I like Brian!!

    Sam Ortmann

    It seems like the game has passed by Zimmer, and Flores probably won’t be an option since he’s getting HC interviews right now.

ric Sosa

Lost 7 in a Row, something got to change

Kamino Kush

I loved wink but every good qb picks apart the scheme

Jace Woods

We could get a compensatory pick for him and then if he doesn’t get a HC job Leslie Frazier would be perfect candidate to be DC and Asst Head Coach

Tonja Bowman

Brian Florez would take is to another level . We have to stay innovative.

The Law_v1001

The one thing I like about our defense is that it actually helps us to replace DCs every 3 years or so. because our defense doesn’t change but our tendencies that throws other offenses off.

    kevin spencer

    EXACTLY, Wink’s blitzing has elite qbs smiling.

The LakeShow

We can get Brain Flores to run our defense 🔥🔥🔥 Wink I wish him the best. !!!


Get rid of him, I’m tired of blitzing all the time.. let the pass rushers shine

Danny Schultheis

Baltimore Ravens have the most NFL draft picks this year

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