Willie Gay Intercepts the Pass and takes it 95 Yards to the House – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
KCC Kingdom

Nice throw Patrick
Season’s gonna be rough, if he’s doing that against these guys imagine what the rest of the AFC west is gonna do to us


    These guys see Patrick every single practice for multiple seasons at a time…. these others teams don’t have that at their disposal you’re a casual

    Tyler Goering

    Bro it’s one throw ur acting like he can’t make a one mistake, and who’s knows it could’ve been a back up! He’ll be fine just watch

    Tyler Goering

    @SSA INVINCIBLEx exactly thankfully someone gets it

    Dannen Powell

    Fake fan

    ayy lmao

    “i want the defense to play poorly and never get picks! the guys who train with him regularly and know all of the routes shouldn’t ever be able to intercept a ball. i have 3 semi-functioning neurons in my brain ” Hop off the bandwaggon then, bruv.

Caleb that cool boi 😎

Was that Mahomes throwing

    KCC Kingdom

    Yeah from other angles you can see it was mahomes, if willie didn’t get it Bolton would’ve 🤦‍♂️

Travis B

What’s up with these zoomed in angles?

Tyler Goering

To Everyone about to comment:
“Did Mahomes throw the ball?” and “We are gonna play terrible this season if this keeps up” It’s fine! Even if Mahomes threw the ball it doesn’t matter. These guys see Mahomes everyday and know him better then any other defense in the league. Your acting like one mistake is gonna kill the team. People can make mistakes sometimes. And the best part, it may have not been him at all! Chill out guys it’s fine


He’s tired of the crowd cheering the O. Lol

Daniel Crocker

Looks like Ronald McDonald intercepting a ball


Nice to see nick there to make play too!!


I wouldn’t be upset either way these guys see him in practice everyday of course they’ll start catching on, but if you seen Bolton and willie gay in college you would know they’re ball hawks and both of them were right there. Also leo chanel once we get those three activated to their top potential our defense will be too 2 but not 2

Dannen Powell

You want this to happen in practice not games. I’m not worried! Plus this gives the defense growth

ayy lmao

“what a bad pass imagine what the league will do to us!@11!2312%!231@222 i just drooled all over my pants because i’m lobotomized”

if you know the routes and practice with someone that much, you should be able to make plays. it would be extremely concerning if the D never broke up a pass or snagged a ball. you just want to see both sides winning the contested catches equally.


Why are people digging in on Mahomes throwing the int? Gosh man. Wouldn’t it be just as concerning if our best defenders weren’t making plays once in a while? Interceptions in practice happen. It shows that some of these guys are improving.

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