“Why not us?” Locker room celebration after Jaguars’ comeback vs. Chargers to advance in playoffs – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

“Why not us?” Locker room celebration after Jaguars’ comeback vs. Chargers to advance in playoffs

Jaguars players celebrate after coming back from a 0-27 deficit to beat the Chargers on a walk-off field goal to advance to the divisional round of the AFC Playoffs.

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Miles Cece

Most exciting team in football




    Big fax

    Steve H

    Visiting family in jacksonville, after the when I go out side and people all around my neighborhood were yelling Duuuuuval

    Dio Del Vino

    its been so hard the past few seasons but moments like these make it worth it

    elMEGA v07

    As a Giants fan. I agree with your comment. Way to go Jaguars.

D1 Heat

This team the energy is championship energy I CAN FEEL IT IN MY BONES MAN I JUST CAN FEEL IT

Joey Skar

“Turnovers, who needs them? We’re the Jags!!”
-Walker Little aka Dat Boi


    It was always the Jags.

Marcel Lima

Let’s go! What a great time to be a Jags fan!

Pedo Bear

The guy talking about turnovers has a point. It’s actually more impressive when you consider they came back from 27-0 without getting a interception/fumble recovery etc to aid them. Most large comebacks require a bunch of turnovers, but they managed to do it without one.

    Das Das

    Walker little

    Duvall Pride904

    Thats Walker Little✊, took over our number 1 LT at a crucial time when you would want your tackle not to get injured..Hes really stepped up👏👏

james nix

The greatest show on turf episode 2 Jacksonville Jaguars 👍🏼🇺🇸👍🏽😁!!!!

John Zeszut

I hope that they make it all the way – like the Lions these guys put some fun back into a moribund NFL!

Monye Duval904

This what you call ground up right here.


I already know our media team is cooking up something epic for the Sounds of the Game like they’ve been doing all year.

Albert Noriega

been a Jags fan since Fred Taylor!!! great win and comeback!!

Michael Gross

Eagles fan here. I’m very happy for you guys.
Our organization made a huge mistake by keeping Wentz and letting Pederson go.
Our loss is your gain. Maybe we meet in the SB, (Birds winning of course lol).
Good luck the rest of the way.

The Professor

We have waited for this team for about 20 years. Thanks to the staff and players. This team can only get better from here!

    Steve H

    If they can keep everyone. Last time yall were cheated out of a win against the patriots. Then lost everyone.


    @Steve H 2018 jags were the same as 2017 jags they just couldn’t get a 1st down


😂 Quarterman: “Westside finna go bonkers, man”. Spoken live a true local.


Love this team! Go Jags!

Patsy C

So well deserved 👏.

Kareem Rivers

Fantastic! Go Jags!!


Can you imagine the pressure of kicking a game winning field goal? To have the efforts of an entire game, an entire season come down to your kick; it’s gotta be intense. It’s hard to make a 5 foot putt when playing a match with friends; I have to imagine kicking a game winner is difficult

DJ Hayes

Most lovable team in the playoffs


The vibes are immaculate


Raider fan here and I must say that was beautiful Jacksonville lol thank you for humbling the dead bolts and reminding them who they really are. Rooting for guys down the stretch shoutout to my guy Zay Jones.

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