Why I Vote.

Members of the Washington Football Team recently sat down to talk about why they're voting this November.

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v0rtal 2k

We will win


I will be voting for Donald Trump.

    Fkn Cracker


    Destiny Hogue

    me, too.

    CJ Eastt

    For what reasons?

    CJ Eastt

    @Destiny Hogue For what reasons are you voting Trump?

    Choam Nomsky

    I’ll be voting Biden and Blue down ticket here in Virginia

Freaky_Fresh 23

Can we vote snyder off the team?

Fkn Cracker

Yasss daddy😫🥺



I report Covid Deniers

Who else is subscribed to the (name redacted) for the memes and could not care less about them

Destiny Hogue

Something happen to Doug Williams?


I voted for Kanye as a write in.

    CJ Eastt



    CJ Eastt because I didn’t want to vote Biden trump and I didn’t want a crook to fill in a vote for me.

    CJ Eastt

    @BR Who do you think would be better for the country, Biden or Trump?


    CJ Eastt Both are racist. Who cares. The only reason I voted this year was because we had a tax issue on the ballot.


Trump 2020🇺🇸

    CJ Eastt

    Why are you voting Trump?

roger arthur

Trump 2020 make America great again

    CJ Eastt

    Why are you voting for Trump?

    Choam Nomsky

    Can’t wait to vote Blue

    roger arthur

    @Choam Nomsky lol it is your true color liberal cry baby blue trump 2020

    CJ Eastt

    @Choam Nomsky same here brotha

    roger arthur

    @CJ Eastt lol does joe Biden no were he is that would be all you need to no trump 2020

Juan Ceasar

DMVotes? Yall trying to help the Canadian provincial election turnout now. Are there a lot of Manitobans in the DMV?


I vote becuase we need Donald Trump to fight back against Political Correctness. Unfortunately the cowards in the Redskins organisation caved and changed the name.

    CJ Eastt

    It’s a dictionary defined slur that millions of Americans are offended by and categorizes humans by the color of their skin
    It’s a dictionary defined slur that millions of Americans are offended by and categorizes humans by the color of their skin
    It’s a dictionary defined slur that millions of Americans are offended by and categorizes humans by the color of their skin
    It’s a dictionary defined slur that millions of Americans are offended by and categorizes humans by the color of their skin
    It’s a dictionary defined slur that millions of Americans are offended by and categorizes humans by the color of their skin
    It’s a dictionary defined slur that millions of Americans are offended by and categorizes humans by the color of their skin
    It’s a dictionary defined slur that millions of Americans are offended by and categorizes humans by the color of their skin
    It’s a dictionary defined slur that millions of Americans are offended by and categorizes humans by the color of their skin


Vote red unless you want your rights taken away and your cities to be overrun with crime.

Bryan Seay

Wish I could vote for Alex Smith to start.

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