Why Did the Packers Take Jordan Love & What Does this Mean For Aaron Rodgers? – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Imagine you’re Aaron Rodgers and your team drafts your replacement when they could’ve helped you instead

    guy sumpthin

    jeagles1000 haaa !!!

    guy sumpthin

    Intellectual One they should do a deduct for whining / bitching in fantasy football. Rodgers total = -5


    Beside Devante Parker they don’t have a real starter at WR. I would request for a trade if I’m Aaron Rodgers.


    @young Assassin The difference is Aaron Rodgers fell to their lap because he is actually a top 2 QB coming into the draft. Unlike Jordan Love who is not even top 4 QB.

    Alpha 01

    That’s one way to put it

Hemanth Yalamanchili

It means he’s basically Brett Favre and Love is Rodgers

    Tdog Snipez

    Ian Jones slow down big guy. People had Love going 19 to the Raiders


    Hopefully Rodgers reacts better to this than Favre did. Also, Rodgers took some time before he developed into the QB that he is now.

    Dominic Cleveland

    Lol Love is not Rodgers kid

    James Dickman

    Tdog Snipez that’s not impressive. A mediocre QB with 21-11 college record LMFAO why draft a bust if you’re gonna draft AArods replacement


    Aaron Rodgers did not throw 20TDs to 17Ints during his last year at college.

First name Last name

I’m not even a Packers fan but why didn’t they pick Patrick Queen or a WR

    Anunnaki J

    @Lee Joseph I don’t think it was a dumb thing at all, that guy is such a Chargers pick he had Chargers written all over him😂😂, Chargers will stay mediocre and they will go where he leads them, might as well call them the New York Jets to the Giants

    Anunnaki J

    Sorry wrong argument yeah well a-Rod never got them into the playoffs enough.. now that one was for you 🌞


    Jay Walker they weren’t getting Jeudy, or Lamb. Expectations need to come down. Agreed not all WR are the same but there are still some awesome receivers available. Pitman, Shenault, and Higgins to name a few. I can’t speak for you but I’m high on Brycen Hopkins I think he can be an above average TE. Even then same goes for the OT and DT class it’s deep with talent they can go get. It’s not all about who we get in the 1st round. Our linebackers aren’t great but if we get Rashad Lawrence he can help fix that awful run defense.


    Jay Walker Patrick Queen is the only guy we passed on that would’ve gone in the 1st round.


    Because Gute had the idea put into his head that he had to draft the next QB instead of evaluating the team he had . If we ever needed more proof that this job is not for Gute this draft gave everyone that proof . Jordan Love is pure trash .

Alec Copeland

When you’re hoping for a new receiver and instead they get your replacement RIP.

    Evan Shanley

    I was hoping for Patrick Queen.

    Justin Dminic

    salamipitza the packers are desperate for WR, TE, or OL. The pats already had that. They just threw Rodgers’ career away last night

    Lee Joseph

    @Jonny yh and choking in the Superbowl again lmao

    Lee Joseph

    @crackhead spongebob Choke*


    Lee Joseph i didn’t ask for your input


Wow. I have no IDEA how this is going to play out. Regardless of how this turns out, I think there’s going to be drama with this pick. Let’s see how Aaron reacts to this in the next few days.

    Kenneth Valentine

    Aaron Rodgers to the Patriots.

    Imma jump over the cliff first

    Zece Princess

    @Kenneth Valentine https://youtu.be/_bEhy-Y63Oo


    Kenneth Valentine that would be brutal

    Seek N. Destroy

    Cap Rooney vs Willie Beamen.

    Jackson Rosenthal

    Kenneth Valentine Bill Belickeck traded his entire draft for Aaron Rodgers just so he doesn’t have to have cameras in his room anymore

Go Big Blue

This was a slap in Aaron Rodgers face. Smh


    He needs it

    Zece Princess

    @jeagles1000 https://youtu.be/_bEhy-Y63Oo

    paris beech


    southpark 981

    I’m sure Favre felt the same way when they drafted Rodgers. Hell Favre has had a better career as a packer than Rodgers has. But it all worked out in the end. Rodgers got a ring and jordan love might do the same


    Go Big Blue Yes it was. This is clearly personal

Isaac Belluomini

Is it me or is Steve Smith faded

david adelkun

Let’s go and see the comments when Aaron was drafted. Not the same? Nooooo. What a shock? LOOOL


If they cheat with you, they’ll eventually cheat on you.

    Goku Black

    Wait what

    Jake Busalacchi

    Expecting to hear this from Colin Cowherd tomorrow

    Taivus Grandberry

    Green Bay didn’t cheat

    Connor Rapley

    Ahah I’m not energy a packers fan but it’s still funny how your still triggered by that play😂😂😂

    Harold Dexter



I love Rodgers, but part of me needs to realize the NFL is also a business.

    Sam Oak

    Jordan LOVEs him too

    Javon Wise

    But it’s Aaron Rodgers lol


    3lement2010 This isn’t business. This is personal

    Austin Lewis

    He should demand a trade

    James Dickman

    25/2 TD-INT ratio and they draft a QB. Haha Rodgers should leave and go somewhere with an Oline

Jordan Mark

the Same thing they did with Aaron Rodgers when they drafted him , they are gonna do the same thing with Jordan Love. Don’t quite agree with it but this could be a good move in the long run

    Hzex Makishima

    @Jewish Gold It wasn’t a question he was being sarcastic. He believes his opinion to be fact so nothing I or anyone else says matters to him.


    @Hzex Makishima still haven’t bothered to answer the painfully simple question.

    Jewish Gold

    @Hzex Makishima Your assuming hes being sarcastic, just answer the question hotshot

    Thomas Poole

    Matheus e Tyago Chaym de Freytas bro he was most definitely not a potential #1 overall pick. Go look at articles from the time and his college stats, he was a projected mid first round pick at best

    First Name Last Name

    First of all Favre was declining while Aaron just took his team to the NFC championship. 2nd Aaron told everyone that he wanted to play into his 40’s. Lastly they really didn’t need to trade up though.

adam j

20 touchdowns 17 interceptions, he would have fallen to the late second round


    He also had played with like 4 different OC’s in his college career. But yes this was still a huge reach.

    Seth Rich

    I’m even more confused why they traded up for him. Seahawks, Ravens, Titans were the next three picks they jumped over, which I don’t see drafting him anyway. Maybe Tennessee, but I even doubt that.

    Adrian Garza

    Seth Rich Nah Tennessee just paid Tannehill that huge contract, no way they’d be interested, but from what I heard apparently another team knew of Green Bay’s interest and were rumored to trade up to take Love so Green Bay figured they’d beat them to the punch? Either way, doesn’t make sense to me


    Adrian Garza apparently it was the patriots were the team that were interested


    @Glaze4K That’s the only difference

Nick Ramirez

My question is why did they trade up for him I think he still would have been around later in round 1 it would have been better to draft a WR and win a championship within the next 2 years then to wait long term while Rodgers is still playing good

    Gabriel Fonseca

    They traded up for him to stop other teams (Colts, Saints, Patriots…) from doing the same. I don’t absolutely love the pick, and I would have done something different, but I don’t hate it either. Having this guy sit back and learn from one of the greatest quarterbacks to ever play the game for three years, to become our next franchise QB in 2024 does not seem a bad idea to me.


The nfl is a business

    paris beech

    100% correct

    Jim Johnson

    And some businessess make dumb decisions. We’ll see how this plays out.

    paris beech

    @Jim Johnson that’s true I agree with you on that but just wait and see what he’s does in 4 years plus Rodgers isn’t going to be there for long anyways

Roscoe Rockwell

Feel the favre?
Aaron: Rodger that!

    J Lee

    Lmao,Packers love me too ofc..

Lauren Paquette

We should choose a qb in the 3rd round insted of the 1st round… Damit we could of got mims or Queen great way to blow it…


dumb pick and im not even a packers fan.

Lucas Ferreira

I know one thing: Rodgers will play every game like it’s his last.

    Chris James

    @Jim Johnson all off Green Bays receivers got hurt that year except for Donald Driver. We led the league in injuries to our starters. Green Bay was decimated by injuries. Favre did the only thing that Favre knew how to do and was a gunslinger with no help around him. That’s why he had 29 interceptions.


    Just to go 9-7


    Rodgers knows this is a pick for the future and his job is secure. There will be no QB controversy in GB.

    Wilson Knut

    I really hope so!


    @Jim Johnson that’s cuz Favre was washed at that point. Rodgers has a good 2 years left of being elite


Look out! Aaron Rodgers one said that no one that they brought in was going to replace him! He’s about to be on fire! 🔥

Count Dooku

Aaron Rodgers: I’d LOVE to have a receiver like Tee Higgins or Denzel Mims.
Packers: dId sOmEoNe sAy LOVE?
Favre: I’ve been down that road, honey child.

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