Who Would Make The Best President? | Ultimate Teammate – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Who Would Make The Best President? | Ultimate Teammate

Buccaneers players answer the question: which teammate would make the best president?
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Emperor of Mankind

Trump 2020

Calvin Ellison

Lets go

All Star Sports

What about Tom? He’s a leader.

    Mr X

    Anyone who has campaigned for Trump should be excluded in principle as a future president.

    Everton Harvey

    Tom will need Belichick as his VP or it won’t feel right.

June-Hawk Wrestling

umm well brady makes some good decisions under pressure but like winfield got the attitude but like ali is good. devin white got good leadership skills as said but a mix of all of these people in one would be good


Go bucs

Jareck Frohlich


Darion Allen



Do the Buccaneers respond? BTW i think Devin White

Big White Duck

Gronk for president ?!

Big White Duck

Ali for sure

ken lounders

That was hilarious. Good luck team

Martin G

Give us a championship and I would vote for any of you hahahaah


I think the best president will be Donald Trump. Trump 2020


    Covid-19 would be a better and smarter choice for POTUS than Trump.


    @Ineffable Sir with all due respect you probably shouldn’t drink before you post on the internet. Bad idea


    @rob13589 Well, you are the one that said Trump. So you drank and did drugs.

Paul Welch

funny 🙂 go bucs

Mr X

Brate for president!


Make America Brate Again

David Jackson

Gronk would probably be the worst president 😂😂

420DayEvery Day

Brady or David is obvious choice they could flip for VP. To scare other countries Jensen he’s got a violent streak in a good way on the field. Suh would when he played for the Lions would have been my first choice to scare countries.
I feel like JPP is what we need now though. A laid back dude to make the country just chill.

Sentry Robert Reynolds

haha funny vid…question for everyone who reads this…what professional athlete do you think could legit run and win president, or we could say famous person, actor, singer ext?…i think, jordan, dion sanders, tiger woods, oprah, maybe a denzel lol…seriously, itd be funny considering half the people who talk politically dont really have a grasp on who the nominees are and would vote for names sake..funny thought

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