Which players need to make the most of the final preseason game? | Broncos Country Tonight – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Swoozie Minecraft

I think the broncos will defeat the vikings 24-6

Dylan miller the goat

I say yet again we get smoked cause r depth at corner is actually terrible without OJ

Cbanecks Ban

How is Kayden Stearns still on the roster? He proved last game he can’t cover hit anybody. Last year in Cleveland he gave up a goal line stand to Case Keenum! Middle linebacker getting run over by a quarterback on the goal line on a 4th and 1

Kirsten Viers

This muscle memory stuff is a double edged sword. It can keep you grinding but doesn’t prepare for a second or third string, which is what excites me about Coach Hackett. He’s trying to reconnect the brains of people back to their actions, which is when muscle memory confirms the effectiveness of tapers. So, let me pose this question to you: If you have a micromanager QB backed up by a macromanager QB, how does the rest of the team adjust efficiently to the trickle down theory of either? Hint: There’s a psychology experiment that supports the inclination to get lazy in the middle of the game, e.g. you remember more at the beginning and end of your grocery list but will typically forget some items in the middle.

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