Where will the Broncos turn with injuries mounting? | Broncos Country Tonight – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Frozenblades- -

I love how they’re going after the mobs of negativity from twitter😂

    Jose Johnson

    These guys are the best in denver Radio…104.3 the fan radio have me rolling my eyes most of the time

Mike Zimmerman

Excellent point – take away Chiefs QB, Tyreek Hill, their 2 RB, their starting RG, their best Pass rusher, their star CB and 2nd CB and you have a completely different team.

    Cutie 123


OG So Turnt

I’m a true broncos fan but they might as well gone head & tank this season away to get Trevor Lawrence in the upcoming draft…..Just Saying

    Yousir Cantknow

    Yup, Suck for Luck worked out so well for the Colts. I can see why you’d want the Broncos, as a true Bronco fan, to follow the same strategy…

    Michael Crabtree

    Were Not tanking this season…we gotta get wins and play hard.


Take the win at new york!!! broncos

Kevin Lopez

Should of fired Elway long time ago , and y’all know that. Stop sugarcoating

    Yousir Cantknow

    He won a Superbowl less than 5 years ago. You must be 16-17 years-old to think ‘a long time ago’ means 2-3 years ago…

    Kevin Lopez

    Yousir Cantknow yeah 5 years ago , and who was a big part of that ? , Manning ! We got lucky. After that I have seen nothing but bonehead moves by elway , and stuck in his ways of drafting the similar type of QB.


its funny how when the broncos hired fangio he harped on the death by inches thing and thats been his biggest problem lol blowing week 1 without using timeouts 2 pass plays when we need 1 yard for a first down as bad as its been we could of easily been a 2-1 team right now the coaches need to be held accountable i know the injuries suck and dont help but the coaching has been awful shurmur is really letting me down i hope the offense can look better with rypien i feel he will get the ball out of his hands quicker then driskel the line sucks but he holds onto the ball way to long he needs cut when lock is back now that we got bortles


Besides Von, Lindsay, AJ, Sutton on who else on the injury list is worth a damn? Juwan James is a overpriced overrated, injury prone RT, Wilkinson can’t play RT or isn’t a tackle to begin with, Casey showed nothing really in 3 weeks. Jones is jones, Walker hasn’t turned into anything worth keeping. Yes the injury bug hit Denver but it knocked out only 2 players for the season.
(Aj, Lindsay, Lock are expected to return this season)

Yeah keep blaming the injuries for L’s each week & not the fact that starting talent, coaching & GM suck.

    Kaden Ta

    Bro idk if you know this but losing your 4 best players arguably. Is insane. Those four players are for sure our top 5 players on the team and when they are all gone, no one can win. Imagine if the chiefs lost there 4 best players and a bunch of starters and 2nd strings that are not as good but are still an asset. The chiefs would also be 0 and 3.

    Kaden Ta

    I 100% agree with you that John Elway is terrible but this team looks very talented and very good when you look at a player stand point. In my opinion, we are play off team if we are fully healthy. Even if lock isn’t as good as ppl say he is.

Steve Geeves

A below average team,with a lot of deadwood in it just along for the ride. An inept coaching staff and an even more inept head coach.He especially is out of his depth.He seems to have forgotten everything that made him a well respected defence guru. Left hand doesn’t know what right hand is doing. Certain players just see an easy buck and thats it.They don’t really care for this team . I keep hearing “they try hard and battle” WHERE and WHEN????????. All about the cash for some of these selfish day spoilers. Yes i still love this team (have done for over 30 years),but this is as bad as it gets. Just beat the Jets PLEASE or face utter humiliation and become the laughing stock of the whole league.

Brandon Ring

Our pets heads are falling off!!!!! 😂Good take on the current situation guys – not the end of the world.

Mike Taylor

Let’s the kids play. Get some experience. Then they can get on a real nfl team and excel. This season is over already. 0-16. Couldn’t beat a woman’s lingerie team

abradolf lincler

Injuries happen, we are young and are completely rebuilding. It’s not our year but that doesn’t mean that it can’t be in a few more years, I’d rather suffer now then later

Michael Crabtree

Hopefully they will turn to the players that want to lead and perform on the next level. Players need to step up and have that drive and motivation to win. Let’s do this broncos!!! Feed the need to win!!! Get intense and play smart football. Go broncos!!!

Cherokee Macks

I heard wade Phillips was looking for a job!?

Ryan Harkes

I don’t trust Elway drafting QB’s. If the Broncos ever got the #1 pick and grab Trevor Lawrence he would probably be a bust under him. Look at his track record after Manning left.

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