What’s next for the Broncos’ quarterbacks | Broncos Country Tonight – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
James Robinson

The bronco defense did not hold up their part in the game that’s why they lost defense when championship games offense they sell tickets that’s why I’m a quarterback that played defense & offense ICE 8 QB.

    Lexsi Smith

    The defense was out there that whole damn game…

    twitchy noob

    You are an idiot or didnt watch the game! Multiple turnovers and 3 and outs are why we lost not our defense fault!

    The Discussion

    There was no way we were gonna win under those circumstances!!

    Sam Cetron

    The defense did well they only scored so much cause they were on the field the whole video

    Kawhi hi

    Bro honestly they just gave up they saw the offense wasn’t scoring and they were unmotivated

Adam Griego

First and hi ryipen

ryan denton

Why isn’t Bortles the worst case scenario contingency plan? They don’t need 5QBs… having 4 is ridiculous

    mecha might

    They should put him in

    Lexsi Smith

    Well after last week…

Rick Allen

The NFL should have postponed the game, but if you have 4 QB’s on the roster,one should have been virtual the entire time. In a normal year you carry no more that 3. QB’s so why put 4 in one room.

    Bosstank Productions

    They had gotten permission to watch film and they all wanted to go there they had pulled there mask down to eat the players had tested negative back to back days but they still had lock Brett and borrtles still sit

Serenity Heuser




Cherokee Macks

Go Broncos

Wesley Hamer

Game should’ve never been played and rescheduled. The league slapped us in the face for everyone to see.


Broncos felt confident enough that the proper protocol was used enough to send the video. The media and rest of league act as though they were having a party. Just shows how the league treats the lesser teams as far as Baltimore Pittsburgh get 3 postponements. Utterly garbage of the league to show their true colors

Theresa Turner

This was lose lose for the broncos they are not a good team to strat with

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