“Whatever I Can To Help The Team.” | Denzel Mims Media Availability | New York Jets | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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spoken like a real Pro!!!!!!!!

Marist Old Boys

Tough dude. Pay attention Elijah, this is what a good teammate looks and sounds like.🎯✈️🌅

    Incog Negro

    yea, ok.


    He asked for a trade as well and has had his issues the last 2 years

    Thomas Henry

    That was before the session not during and at least he’s here to play

Viking security

That late hit on Mims with no flag was crazy. Those refs were against a lot of the game

    Michael Frazia

    that hit was bad

jeff sanders


    Nick Nova

    Give him Moore’s play time *

Timothy Currier

Someone should show this to moore this is how you handle being a pro

Timothy Currier

He had a few good blocks today


I hope he breaks out this season amd maybe we can trade moore for a huge return

Red Man

He should be playing he’s really good he’s going to be good and I hope it’s with us

James D

More of Mims he deserves it he trying to do everything to win he block if he has to he catch if he has to put him on field

Jaicob Flores

I just want to say I was super high on Mims when we drafted him and I’m still super high on him. I know he can ball and help produce wins for this squad


Team player right there!

Ahmed Kamagate

That’s gonna give him playin time we’re gonna need it against PAT

Erik Ibarra

He said all the right things. Great job today Mims.

Ricky Laguna

contractually, if he can step it up he’d be a great replacement for cd when and if he moves on

Jerzy Abrahams

Great team attitude!


Mims is a real professional….LET HIM PLAY!!!!

Neil Shah

Jets Fans are in full support of Mims breaking out. he has been very unselfish and been waiting his turn to help the team. He should get playing time now . ideally we want mims and davis on outside, and berrios and garett wilson on inside. Trade Elijah he is a good player, get some value for him. and lets move on.


This is the type of team-first guy we need on this team. I know it’s tempting but please don’t trade this guy. If he gets more playing time there’s potential him to develop into a big-play-type of receiver in Mims. It’s gonna take a little time and a lot of faith but I believe this guy can do it.

Zach Fuchs

Dude is just grateful he got to be out there hope he can make an impact if CD is still hurt next week


I hope you get all the success this season and stay on the roster ✈

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