What Would a Packers Win Mean to the NFC? – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

They ain’t talkin about the packers they talkin about what’s goin on with Rodgers

    Judge Mental

    That sick arm?

bruce lau

They even talking about the packers but y’all should be talking about Rodgers LMAO

Bob Drones On

My god, this must be overreaction Packers Thursday!


This season is Crazy.


Yall keep assuming the pack win what would it mean if they lose which is likely they can’t stop the run a d the last tesm you want to see is Derrick Henry come into town


I’ll root for the packers to beat the Titans and especially the Eagles as long they lose to the Lions and the Bears.

s m

In all my years as a packers fan, this wouldn’t be the first where a wild card team clutches the conference, who knows especially now with controversial calls at the last second. It’s still genuinely hard to tell


    Dude, the Pack is 4-6!

    shawn bopko

    The key to the game is arone Rogers and the Christian Watson the new devante Adams

    Judge Mental

    Gb was 8-8 and won the trophy one yr right?


    @Judge Mental 2006! Hahaha


49ers may be 5-4 but never lose to the Rodgers led Packers in the post season 😂😂


    and this year will be an acception


    @Lemurtoad 😂😂💀💀 I almost thought you were serious

William Gallo

I love the NFL.

Cullen Teska

Can we talk about how at least two of these clips Rodgers is clearly not (obviously) looking where he throws the ball?!

    Whoare you

    bros just elite

Teri Giese

The Pack has had comebacks before?And can do it again!LETS GETIT DONE!!👊🏻👏🏻😤💚💛


God I’m so excited. I think we’re gonna blow the NFC open

    AlaskanBullWorm 0

    I wouldnt be surprised if we do but i can also say the opposite

    AlaskanBullWorm 0

    I wouldnt be surprised if we do but i can also say the opposite

Itsyaboi PaulyChips

These shows are so funny. Eagles lose 1 game and they’ve come crashing back to earth. The Packers win 1 game and they’re now the team you don’t wanna face. Lol calm down. No one’s going undefeated and no one is losing out


    Fr bro it’s like everyone WANTS the packers to be good so bad and can’t fathom the idea that rodgers is leading a bad team so after ONE good game they are gonna jump on it instantly cause it’s all they have to fuel the fire that they want so bad to happen

JL Rogue

The Packers beat the Cowboys with a beat up team. No one ever brings that up

James Ruport

Watson doesn’t have moss hands, no one does, but he’s 6 4 and runs a 4.3 he can stretch a defense to open up shorter routes, and make the run game so much better. Rodgers isn’t used to this type of receiver and hopefully they figured out their rhythm


As a Packers fan, I would love to see them string some W’s together, but we need to walk before we run, and after watching that Lions game..I think we are far from running. A win tonight will be a nice step forward, but let’s all R-E-L-A-X about running the table after one game.


The only teams in the NFC that scare me less than the Packers are the Panthers, Lions, and Cardinals.


Weren’t they just saying last week they’re tired of hearing about the Packers Lossing?

    Steven Strange

    That should continue.

Spencer Keating

Vikings fan here. It’s incredibly annoying to me that at 4-6 after one win, everyone is saying “uh oh watch out for the packers! You should be afraid to play them in January! They’re about to make a big run!” Meanwhile we are 8-1 and everyone is saying “stay cautious Minnesota. You’re gonna blow it. We still don’t believe in you”. Plus the cowboys being favorites in our stadium this week is ridiculous.

    Steven Strange

    Packers should get clapped tonight!

    Ramal Pittman

    @Steven Strange and your mom getting clapped to how you like that

Casey Hillebrand

Lol at these analysts🙃 You all buried the Cowboys two weeks ago, guaranteed the other opponents never did. The Packers are now, and have been all year a slightly better than average team, with a unique talent at QB. Capable of winning any given Sunday but there are some serious flaws there.

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