What Gameday looks like for Graham Gano! – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Luis Breyer

One of the most consistent and best players on the team!




what a comforting feeling knowing how good you are, and that given the opportunity your kicks will be. UP, AWAY, AND TRUE BLUE šŸ’™

Marcus Black

Dam I didn’t know he was that big

Marcus Black


Juan Cobian

Lowkey a pointless video šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

Kenji Mapes

Signing Gano was a brilliant move. Ex-GM Dave Gettlemen made a lot of mistakes but he did draft & sign a lot of good talents. His problem was that he constructed the roster poorly as he ignored two of the most important position groups namely offensive line & the pass rush. During our dominant & winning seasons, these were our areas of strength as it is with most good clubs. Now we have had some talented players but before Daboll, we really made bad choices on head coach & the coordinators. Also, our GMs havenā€™t fared well after Jerry Reeseā€™s tenure started to crumble a few years into it after initial success. All of these issues combined made for losing seasons which were made worse by our insanely abnormal amount of injuries we seem to have had annually since we won it all in 2011.

Now, finally after several dismal seasons & embarrassing loses, we have sorted out the most serious errors. We have a smart & shrewd GM. We have a smart offensive mind at Head Coach who is a natural leader but most importantly he is authentic & not just a guy who can spew good sports quotes in Brian Daboll. Our Head Coach also hired a brilliant coaching staff with coordinators who not only have modern schemes that arenā€™t predictable but can adjust in game & have our players prepared for situational football. We have sorely lacked this ingenuity & innovation in our coordinators & coaches. We had awful coordinators who had archaic, stale & predictable schemes & they had poor or zero capability to adjust or play to our strengths or exploit an opponentā€™s weaknesses. So again, weā€™ve had some talent.

Now after Schoen addressed the Oline & pass rush as best as he could like a bad salary cap situation, itā€™s actually no surprise that this team took a huge leap. We have a talented young core of players many of whom have stepped up & precociously taken on leadership roles. We finally have the right mix from the front office to the head coach & coaches & a solid young talented core. We are getting rid of the clowns & prima donnas. Itā€™s amazing to me how a talented guy like Kadarius Toney could get a clean slate with a new head coach & GM in only his second year in the NFL could just dog it & get disgruntled so quickly. We see this group really gelling as a team & learning to win. They are still learning the offensive and defensive schemes too. Imagine once they are better versed in the schemes & build some better chemistry & continuity which only comes with playing a lot of snaps together. We truly have a team of players who are committed & dedicated as they have fun winning games. Give me a team of guys who play as a team over a group who is athletically Incredible or looks good on paper. When we won it all we might mot have had the most talented roster but we had the best TEAM. This is exactly what Schoen & Daboll are building here. Itā€™s an exciting time to be a Giants fan again after much pain &!turmoil. Frankly, we deserve it!šŸ˜‰ The future is bright. Time for Big Blue to shack the NFL again. Hopefully weā€™ll see the G-men raise up #5šŸ† & #6šŸ† soon. Itā€™ll be a beautiful thing to tie with the Cowboys & then match the Steelers & Pats so we can be tied for the most Lombardiā€™s in the modern era. After that, we
Hope for the lead but first things first. We still have a ways to go but we finally have the right pieces which has been lacking for several years. Letā€™s Go Giants!

Killa Kev

this dudes a beast, so glad we have him on our team



Jonny MuƱoz

He is the 4th highest paid kicker in the nfl LETS GO GIANTS BLEED BLUE

Jersey Jay

We are gonna need that magic leg bro!

Legend Kochis

Love Gano. He’s as automatic of a kicker as we’ve ever had.

Nicolas Roche

Great timing

Dominick Martino

Sunday- miss the game wining fg


    it was 56 yards tho


Booooooooooooooo he missed the field goal to win šŸ˜®šŸ˜®šŸ˜®šŸ˜®šŸ˜®šŸ˜®

Gerry O'Brien

hit the game winner next time

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