What does it take to feed the Giants during playoff week? 💪 #shorts #nygiants #food – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Vini Levering

Not going to lie in this sounds bussin


Let me get a plate 😭😭😭


    Bro ur name 🤣




would love to see more of these types of vids

Cliberson Joseph

I see why Daniel never leaves the facility

Its Me Turo

Very important to get their stomachs ready for what they might eat out there. We don’t need any bathroom emergencies based on their Saturday dinner.


Damn, this clip really makes you hungry. Those guys are eating GOOD!

Average Bob NYG

Chef Juan dropping that salt bae on us

Dom D

More of this content please!

Sue loegering daves

Hi giants fans i,am a kid and loves the gian it’s my Everett Favorite favorite player is kayvon 5I bet his biggest fan Sense the Giants Draft Him And it will be My dream to Have a response from Kayvon GO G-MAN 5!

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