‘We’ve got to stop the run’: DeShawn Williams on facing the Raiders’ offense – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

💙🧡 Good Luck Broncos 🧡💙

Michael Crabtree

Gotta play like your a beast…stay focused…eyes on the ball and the reciever… goal…intercept the ball or seat it away and score!!! No fly zone!!! Get that football…how hungry are you for that football…show how your skilled and set the bar high. Yes play like it’s your last on every play. Keep up the good work and help your team….never lose focus!!! Get it man!!! Push through and get that football. You got the skills!! Show em off.

Bland Prod

Yea. Plz stop the run and passing game


Start. Off. Fast. Carry the pride we all feel for this team against our division rivals. GO BRONCOS!!!!

Andres Sandoval

The Raiders are going to run it down are throat, They are gonna test are line. We have got to stop the run!!!

Dr3amvill3 guy14

Please beat the raiders I love Derek Carr and all but their fans are very annoying and cocky

    Uzziah Gilmore

    I am not that bad lol

    Dr3amvill3 guy14

    @Uzziah Gilmore you’re good homie but just most of them are just annoying to me XD

    Uzziah Gilmore

    @Dr3amvill3 guy14 I think that’s every fan base to every division rival lol

King RaZe

Love this guy’s attitude

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