Wes Phillips on T.J. Hockenson’s Play So Far, Challenges To Preparing For Detroit’s Defense & More – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Wes Phillips on T.J. Hockenson’s Play So Far, Challenges To Preparing For Detroit’s Defense & More

Offensive Coordinator Wes Phillips addressed the media from the TCO Performance Center on Thursday.

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AtheismRules ☠️

Let’s give our Viking (TJ Hock) a tuddy at his former stomping grounds

Edit: he’ll let’s go for 3 tds for hock

Keith Oltmans

Not sure if KOC or Wes have ever stated it in a presser, but has the full offensive system been put in place?


    No lmao. I’m not a Kirk hater, but it’s pretty obvious that the system is limited by what Kirk can do. They’ve fully admitted to reverting to some more “Kubiak-esque” playcalls when Kirk is getting flustered, to go back to things that Kirk is used to and likes. Not to mention, there are certain things you just can’t do with Kirk. I’ve never seen Kirk be able to hit a 3-step drop and have the ball out accurately by the time he’s at the back of the drop. That’s why we don’t do a ton of quick slants and other quick routes when the other team is sending the house, because Kirk just has never done it, and you can’t take the time to teach him now, so you basically have to throw that part of the playbook out. Kirk loves a long 5-step drop, which is hilarious, because he’s the slowest QB in the league. That’s basically saying he won’t throw the ball until he takes 5-steps and a step-up back into the pocket lol, so yeah, full offense is kind of limited by that.

    With that being said, there’s been some progress this year and we are actually seeing Kirk step up and do things we haven’t seen him do in the past. And I’d actually just take an evolved Kirk over a huge scheme-change. Obviously I want a bit more innovation, but if Kirk had just stopped playing it so damn safe 3 years ago, we might have had these results quicker. Huge respect for Kirk taking over the team this year and showing up when it counts. Love this team, SKOL Vikes!

    Steven Talbott

    @Jmun020 couldn’t have said it better

    Justin Beauchane

    @Jmun020 100% agree. Kirk has so old programs running in his brain from having a bad o-line for so many years. How does he expect line man to protect him that far back. 3 step throw, 3 yards, 4 yards, 5yards, etc. Just get the ball out. The defense has to adjust to that chunk play

Florence Dahl

Skol 💯

Hue Yang

Kirky dude scared throwing interceptions? Too far over the head of TJ and a ball that so high Jefferson can’t jump up to it. That’s what I saw against the Jets.

    Itz MaZe

    Did you also see him go out and perform in 4th? Kirk is fine


    You would have made all of those throws perfectly, right?

    Dakota F

    QBs are going to miss throws every now and then lol




    Kirk haters wait for the one bad throw he makes and come at it😂 it’s really weird how much y’all hate him


Somebody plz tell Kirk that he can throw the ball without bracing for a hit…because I’m sorry but he starting to see ghost MORE AND MORE

    Evan Pederson

    This is just completely not true lol, he’s been great under pressure this year and although he had some bad throws due to pressure against specifically the jets, look at his deep throw to Reagor, he know he was gonna get hit and got rocked and he still delivered a dime


    @Evan Pederson bro thts one game ive seen this man ALL YEARact like he’s about to get hit but no one is even near him…he threw a pass to jj in the jets game tht was like tht If u want to keep defending tht…he might be tough but he definitely been seeing ghost that aren’t there and btw Kirk has not been one of the most sacked quarterbacks all year long so plz don’t blindly defend


    imo this happened starting at Dallas and missing darrisaw has not been helping his confidence level nothing against the backup he has done admirably but give kirko the big moment he stands and been delivering skol

    joshua martinez

    @TreiDaGreatDad you’re seeing ghost 👻 and fake plays. One or two plays

dave b

Love wes great job

CJ Velazquez

Wes is starting to look like a Viking…give him the horn.
Go Viks! m/

L Thoj

Hope Wes Phillips stays longterm.

Eduardo Acosta

Vikings need a blowout to shut skeptics down.

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