‘We’re Going in the Right Direction’: Raiders Lose to the Chiefs as the 2022 Season Comes to an End – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Is it really the Right Direction tho? It took Josh McDaniels 3 games to realize he had a running back. I understand DC has only 2 winning season out of 9, but so many games could have been won, if we managed time better. If we ran the ball more than throwing it and stopping the clock more than half the season, then I don’t blame DC. I would look at offensive play calls or Mitch Lombardi. WE ARE NOT THE PATRIOTS. THIS IS NO LONGER NEW ENGLAND. Josh McDaniels should try to use the pieces he has, instead of trying to chase that 2007 Pats season. Maybe the play calls can be similar, but we have different people, in a different time, where teams can adjust in the second half. HUGE RAIDER FAN, but after this season, wtf did I watch?? WE could have won many games, in multiple varieties, yet we lost so many single possession games. If this is a COMPLEX playbook on the offensive side, how can one QB learn it in a single season. What pisses me off is, Josh said from his time in Denver, that he learned how to treat and manage relationships between players and coaches, yet He came to LV saying, “We almost traded for Derek Carr…”, He came here saying that, and after one season of this complex playbook and we cut DC. How many others will take the blame before people understand how to treat people. DC had one year on a make it or break it season this year, but why tell him “he’s OUR guy”, yet hes getting booted. Business is business but that is playing people. I just hope we aren’t the center of scandal talks. WE DONT NEED TO CHEAT TO WIN!

    The Real Unknown Raider Guy aka Raider Jason

    Do you know how the Raiders became good again during the Gannon era ?

    GSR Rav

    @The Real Unknown Raider Guy aka Raider Jason No, I was only like 1-5 years old when this occurred. I wish I did more research, but I started watching heavily during the Nnamdi, and Stanford Routt Era.

    Galaxia X

    Bravo 👏🏽 I couldn’t of said it better, that’s exactly how I feel

Phil Waugh

The real recap. Defense sucked. O-line sucked. Coaching sucked. QB unable to carry all of their dead weight. End of recap.


    That is an excellent recap.


    best recap the raiders have ever seen


We’re 0-2 without Carr.
McDaniels wins 37% of his games as a Head Coach.

    Patrick L

    And just saying, didn’t he cheat across some of his wins with the Broncos?

    Solo Mo

    @obrapro indeed


    @Martin Reynon Carr AND a terrible D, a weak O-line, and the same crap coach.


    Speaks volumes as a head couch. 37% . McDaniels might make some players play. Never a team.
    Were up over 20 points in the game. And lost the game. Carrs fault.

    Golden King

    Carr played one playoff game and lost in his 9 year career so regulate your thoughts! 🤡 Smh😆😆😆

Special Agent E. Bunny

Took a 10-7 team and turned it into a 6-12 team.


    @Golden King And you have a head coach with a 35% win record, a bad O line, and the worst defense. You also have a winless QB who takes 15 yard sacks. Good job. You’re gonna remember #4 because that’s how many wins you’re gonna get.

    Golden King

    @MFC Gaming Troll!

    Golden King

    @Poisonedblade 🤡

    Golden King

    @Poisonedblade Like I said, we will be a better team do to the fact that we finally get rid of Carr! Mark my words clown! 💯

    MFC Gaming

    @Golden King no that’s not me trolling. That’s me being 💯. I hope they go 0-17 and McDaniels is shown the door


The single greatest strength of the Raiders this season has been the PR team putting out puff pieces after the team suffers another embarrassing defeat. Can’t wait for another grandstanding off-season from the front office and coaching staff; this season we went from “going to the next level” in the off-season to “learning to win” by mid-season. Hell I’m just hopeful that I won’t get banned from the comments like the guy with the sign at the game.

    Kokoa Blunt


    Eugene Mason

    You don’t have to be a fan of the Raiders! You can be a fan of another team. I believe they can build a consistent winner and superbowl contender. Win Lose Or Tie Raider Till I Die!


    @Eugene Mason you must be new here 😂

    Kokoa Blunt

    @JUD 😆


    @Eugene Mason you’re right – fans have the option more than ever to choose a different team…but real Raiders fans who’ve suffered with this team through eras like Andrew Walter, Jamarcus, Art Shell 2, etc would never abandon the team now, that’s what it is to be a fan, and that loyalty to the team is why the fans are emotional about the result. So when the real owner’s son hires some guys from the Patriots and turns the team into an embarrassment, and puts out clueless PR statements like “Rome wasn’t built in a day”, it’s an insult to that loyalty and the legacy of the franchise.

channel surfer

two weeks in a row we have teams trying to rip Renfrow’s head off and no one is doing anything about it…”It’s better to be feared than respected…” that needs to come back to this team

    Daniel Stuckert


EJ Ford

I know they think Stidham played a great game and helped achieve a 50% 3rd down efficiency (Jones mentioned those numbers send you to the playoffs) but we lost by 3 possessions 31-13 and he had a 76 QB rating. I guess if they want to stay on the show they gotta talk a certain way just like the fans have to have a certain kind of sign to remain in the stadium. Not buying any of this. This was a playoff team last year that added Devante Adams and finished 6-11. Mark Davis made another mistake by choosing the wrong coach.

    Cory Rider

    Davis is running media team like msnbc. All in on an agenda

    Cory Rider

    And Davis don’t want to admit he sucks at picking coaches and GMs. Beat one they had they got rid of. Mayock was doing a good job.


    Boycott this Franchise is the only way to fix it.
    Yes we believe what we see on tape. Fans being kicked out.

    Norm Valencia

    I hope Gruden wins his law suit against Goddell and company.

    channel surfer

    @Cory Rider bro…losing is killing him…I am worried his health is going to decline like his dad’s…can you please stick with the program they have now? thanks.

James Culp

James sounds like he has to say positive things

Jimit _Up

How are you “going on the right direction” If this is one of the worst losses on the season smh

    S8 Fr8

    Did you see how many starters were out on the defense?

    David Rodriguez

    What. Now we’re turning against maxx. If the star players are on board and buying in. Than so am I . Geez RN4L

    Golden King

    Carr had some of the worst losses in Raiders history! 🤡


    @Golden King You spelled JaMarcus wrong.

    Golden King

    @Poisonedblade I stand corrected! 💯

Rob S

Results and reality say we are going in the wrong direction.


We’d only have 5 wins, if the Patriots didn’t literally toss us a win.
They probably felt bad about cursing us with McDaniels.

    Billy Dias

    Bill felt bad! He did get a dynasty tucked into his cut up hoodie.😂

Cory Rider

I just realized how controlled this show is. No way they feel stidham showed he can lead. James Jones. Come on bro. Don’t be afraid of Davis


    You expect unbiased content from the official YouTube channel of the team? This place is meant for hype!!!

Cory Rider

How can Maxx say we are going in the right direction. Does he remember we had 10 wins last year? Come on Maxx. Speak youre mind

Billy Dias

Right direction for early draft picks consistently. QB is a tough one to fill, WE KNOW REMEMBER!😖Brady’s don’t just fall from the sky and if he does now he’s old and will need pass protection like all QBs lol Maybe he can bring Tampas top defensive players too.👍🏻 Leads all year long mean offense did something right for a bit then it’s like watching your ice cream slide off the cone onto a dog turd.


I loved the shot of the fan W/ a sign saying “We don’t deserve this!” 😂

    Hit me up @R_aiders via TELE_GRAM

    You are randomly selected among winners of today.👍🎉 Happy new year congratulation you just won a prize,kindly message me on telegram.🎊💐🎊


    He deserves a diet

    J- Back the Blue M

    Yes he flipped it over and it said “Bench McDaniels”. Than he was asked to leave the stadium.

Tazanar Shabazz

I’m pulling for Stidham but it’s clear they are toeing the company line because that was not a good game. Stidham could have had at least 2 or 3 more turnovers. They loss last week and gave up almost 40pts.

    Hit me up @R_aiders via TELE_GRAM

    You have been selected as the winner’s !! Send me message via Telegram.🎁💐💐Happy new year.

Eric Nave

That game was embarrassing! KC literally played ring around the Rosie on us! Huge step back. All the Stiddy for president people are pretty quiet this week. The guy fumbled several times, was sacked 6 times and hit way too many. He is also lucky that KC on got 1 pick and not multiple, because he threw it right to them. Embarrassing!


    Yes, the Raiders has a Momento going back to the bottom just like McDaniel want it


“We’re going in the right direction”- Dead last defense in the league AGAIN! 😂

Crackhead Joe Dirt

We went from a 10-7 playoff team that built an identity on 4th qtr. comebacks that was “re-tooling to win,” to a 6-11 team that is “learning how to win.”

Yo'wah Yaa'

Stiddy still needs a new contract I know this kid will keep improving, for 2 games in his books he’s not bad at all and every QB has bad games this is one of them. 🏴‍☠️

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