Week 1 Rewind | Washington Football Team vs. Philadelphia Eagles – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Landon Yarbrough


JJR lll

Keep doubting us media! Y’all gonna look like fools by end of season 😤

    Fearlica plays YT

    JJR lll what is your favorite team

    JJR lll



    Fax HTTWFT

    Fearlica plays YT

    Same here

    Fearlica plays YT

    No cap


Let’s go Washington


Chase Young the real deal.


    And you smoke rocks?

    THE REAL L.C Don't steal my profile again please

    Yo, this Lc from the streams. Someone copied my profile and avi bro pretending to be me so I changed my shi*. Yup bro, 2 strip sacks and remember he forced that interception/ fumble ( not sure which) that floated short and high for a interception then got called back plus had tackles behind the line. Dude looked like he was playing in college still! #Predator

202 DeSignated

Great Game Sunday Great Game!!!! Let’s Go Get The Next One 🔥🔥

Alarak The Highlord

Great game!👊🏾 But don’t erase the team history with anymore changes.

    Damien X

    I totally agree bro… I felt like it’s been an expansion team the whole off season!!

Lila Salazar

So Nice 💘💘💘💘💘💘


Nice to see half time adjustments. Haven’t seen those since Gibbs.

alex gibbs

I like Julie but her commentary here is like “woah” “yeah” “mhmmm” “nice” lol

    alex gibbs

    “There you go”

    Chris Ray

    It’s horrible

    Damien X

    I miss Cooley… him, Bram & D-Hall would of been nice!

    THE REAL L.C Don't steal my profile again please

    Idt they were meaning too. Seems like they caught the live reactions and decided after just to leave them. Otherwise you right.

Joseph Simmons

Proud of you guys as an Eagles fan I’m ready for the NFC East to once again become the best division in football


    Respect. I’m tired of being the NFC Least

Tristen Alvarado

If chase is really throwing up the deuce one , we know he is a real one


    I didn’t even realize that 🙏🏾

    Uncle Tito

    No wayyy

Damien X

If they do end up calling us the Red Wolves, the name is kind of catching on to me… Trying to embrase the new w/o forgetting our past…
But could you imagine us next year or after, being called the Red Wolves, a brand new stadium packed full of fans… and every time our defense gets a sack or a turnover, theres a loud wolf howl!! But when we score a touchdown, they still keep our fight song but instead of singing it, the band just plays the music.
I’m down for that!

    THE REAL L.C Don't steal my profile again please

    #RedWolves for life. We got it trending again untill Dan feels like he absolutely has to go for that name.

Damien X

Yo! Yall saw Chase Young at the very very end thrown up that 2-1 in memory of Sean.T!?
(Tana Man used to do that all the time!!)

John TheCat

I can imagine Ron Rivera going “Football team on 3”

Rahiem Hunt

Washington is now #1 in their division. You’re welcome.

THE REAL L.C Don't steal my profile again please

I thought Chase was at Ohio State still. 2 strip sacks. Got credit for 1.5 cause Allen was holding the Qb when Chase stripped it! Tackles behind the line and he forced that interception that got called back. May have even been a strip sack. Couldn’t see his arm progression cause they didn’t show it again after the flag came out.


Julie needs to show more excitement! She’s acting way too professional lol. Let go a little Julie

michael hinton

I love moreland…hes definitely the People’s corner


Can our unofficial nickname be the Washington Riverboats until we pick a real one?

1 Man Show

Can we have a Spanish radio broadcast?

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