‘We just need to start thinking about turnovers’: Josey Jewell on where the defense can improve – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Iceman Forz

Best team in the nfl‼️‼️‼️

    Big daddy Velasco


Alex Carosone

Love you Josey!!!


True justin is the only person with a int

Canal Charada

We just need to start thinking about Trevor Lawrence

    Canal Charada

    @wyatt hoffman when you have elway as your GM,is the best thing to do,thanks mate

    Manuel Rosales

    @Canal Charada At least give lock a chance to play more than 2 games against defenses that arent both top 5 in the new system with new receivers. Let lock and the offense gel if hes dogshit and we get the number 1 overall pick sure but if he does good and shows hes worthy of the starting role then let’s keep him.

    wyatt hoffman

    @Canal Charada whatever dude, you dont know anything. You cant even spell. Elway is one of the most successful gms in the NFL.

    Canal Charada

    @wyatt hoffman seems that you had understand what i said,but if talking trash work for you,keep doing bro,we are proud of you,and elway is one of the most successful GMs in NFL?try again,i’m not the only one who think in this way

Ryan McAdams

Go Hawkeyes

Bruce Duece

Looks like a jacked Eli Manning

Michael Crabtree

Gotta keep up the interceptions and turnovers. Get aggressive towards the ball and grab it and score the touch down. 3rd and fourth quarters you give it everything and you leave all the anger and frustration on the field. Ask yourself “Am I doing everything to help my team win?” Lets go out there and beat the patriots at their own game. Play smart football and own the red zone. You guys are broncos and you never ever give up. Go out there and get that W. Go broncos!!!!

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