“We Hit The Ground Running” | Marcus Maye 1-On-1 | New York Jets – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
BBLanda !!!

J-E-T-S Jets Jets Jets


Heโ€™s a great tackler heโ€™s bouta have his best year

    Bear 7453

    Made a ton of a awesome game saving plays

Bear 7453

Get this man to the pro bowl!!! Seriously!

Yosh Naka

what’s with the sports bras?


    Tracks heart rate snd has a gps so if a player tests positive for covid they can see what players heโ€™s been in close contact with

MinePlay 512

Jets gonna be great.

dom hps

resign Marcus maye ASAP !!! such an underrated player!

Eric T

Marcus, we love you, hope you have a great year


Stay healthy Marcus!

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