“We Got To Be Prepared” | Corey Davis Media Availability | The New York Jets | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Red Man

This will be the best defense the jets face so far….run the ball 🏈 it’s going to be tough a lot of 3 yards carry’s the first wave we have stand it stay the course run the ball 🏈

    Billy SBC

    The TE’s will get some work this sunday, with blocking and sweeps and over the middle stuff. Mix up the run with the TE’s and some shots downfield and might be just enough to keep the Broncos defense back on it’s heels most of the game.

Billy SBC

The Denver Broncos don’t believe it you, they don’t think you are what your record says you are… If you believe in yourselves you’re gonna have to prove it to THEM… They don’t belong on the same field with you, so prove it. GO JETS!

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