“We Got Dogs In That Room” | Quinnen Williams Media Availability | The New York Jets | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Denzel Daniels

Your d line coach need to stop changing the line every freaking play.


    Yeah, that’s one of the *dumbest* things Saleh and his staff has brought to this team. Can’t get into no rhythm playing that way. Best players need to be on the field as much as possible. And only given a breather when needed/asked for one. *Imagine, just getting into a rhythm and flow, and the EFFIN coaches are pulling you out!* 😤

    Denzel Daniels

    I 100% agree. Q is a dog why take him out for Solomon Thomas , Nathan Shepherd and ect makes no sense


It was good to see that fire from Q today. Gotta be mad about losing

    Zach Wilson’s Mom’s Friend

    Aren’t we all, lol

    Love Q


What Q is saying in urban terms is “What’s the use of having soldiers if you never use them” FIRE the whole defensive staff!!!!!!

    Manish Mims


Boycott Activision

It’s a long season bruh. Ups and Downs Ebs and Flows, injuries and returns. Let’s play every game like it’s a Championship week.


There’s a lot of football left to play and Q is gonna eat he needs to play more then 50% snaps too but this D-Line will get their shi Together I believe. There’s too much talent to not be used right.


    I feel like the heavy subbing is part of the problem. It’s not working.

E Bizzle

Sometimes coaches just need to get the F out of the way, listen to their players and what they’re seeing, that a boy Q!

Jets Therapy

“All about executing”… I though he was gunna go after that reported haha

    LameJohn IsLame

    Seriously. I wish he did

Rick C

taking notes on Saleh. taking notes on Douglas. is this SOJ ? I think I’ve seen this act for 4 decades.

Mark Garabedian

How many 2nd and 3s did the Bengals have in the 4th qtr?!
Either the D was gassed, outplayed, or they gave up.
They were gashed.

verge tibbs

Q’s smooth with it.

Gary Johnson

I love it. Gotta control it and use it against the other team. But we have guys who care this year.

John Nalty

He talks the talk but the D line is not walking the walk
Q needs to be on the field 90% of the plays not 50%. The Defensive rotation needs to stop immediately

    Let's Talk About It!


Edward Driscoll

Lol 😆 coach’s have to go. Period

Mike Saunders

This d line rotation is going to sink this team

Zach Wilson’s Mom’s Friend

It’s refreshing hearing Q say that it’s their goal to win the super bowl and win the game. Sometimes I forget that we’re in the same competition as other teams

    Robert Killian

    You could hear that

Nick T


Burnt Dice

The dline isn’t getting home tho. Lawson had 0 tackles or sacks all game


Play out your record contract and leave the Jets, keep playing here and you will have many more of these media conferences.


Last year Ulbrich said the QB won’t have time to throw due to the players and scheme. Injuries happened so everyone cut him some slack. What’s the excuse this year?

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