‘We Didn’t Take Advantage of This One’: Raiders Drop TNF to the Rams | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

😂😂😂 Carr Got to go!!! Yes, it was a team loss but the leader of the team is a quarterback it’s been the same outcome for nine years Baker outplayed Carr!!!

    B M

    FAX HOMIE!! ✌️🇺🇲


    McVay outcoached McFraud. Can’t succeed if your coach puts you in a bad position.

Daniel Tabora

Embarrassing. Only the Raiders can loose to a high school coach Saturday, with a week to prepare, and last night find a way to loose to a quarterback with 2 o 3 days to prepare. Just Embarrassing.


Mcvay got Mayfield to learn enough of his play book in 2 days and beat the raiders with a depleted oline and back up wide outs, McDaniels is not a good head coach and this game and season show that he’s not what the raiders need to turn this franchise around, mark davis I know you don’t want to fire McDaniels because you still have to pay him but you can’t have him continue being this teams coach he can’t lead men.


    Let’s not forget he drafted Tim Tebow to be his franchise QB. Gruden looks like a genius compared to that.


Does not matter with this team, good or bad players, time zone, going against a bad team, they always manage to find a way to lose games. Just sell the team Mr Davis.

    Doug Davis

    FIRE THE MFER…..This was a mistake! SOMEBODY MUST GO!!!!

Luke Parodi

Notice the different play calling between the first half and second. First half we actually threw the ball a few times, attacked the edges on the run, mixes it up a bit. Second bald McDaniels ran the ball up the middle time after time just trying to run clock. Just like at the beginning of the year when we lost all those leads. Totally insane. McDaniels still hasn’t learned.

    Luke Parodi

    James Jones said it all. Carr couldn’t get in a rhythm with so many runs and no play action passing. Adams couldn’t get in a rhythm only running go routes on the sideline all game. Last thing… McDaniels chose to sit Waller today because he didn’t practice much. Waller said he is 100%. You don’t sit your superstar tight end if he can play. Really could have used him in this one.

    Omc 559

    And he will continue that next year. Mark Davis needs to get rid of him but he won’t so we are doomed for next year as well


    NFL is rigged, billion dollar entertainment businesses they are not just gonna let everybody do what they want….. its blatantly obvious but nobody wants to face the truth

    Raider Flores

    Wow broo you actually know football?? Lol isee it happen in all the loses we took McDonald has good play calls he Juss don’t understand when/ how to ues them he clearly goes into conservative mode when we’re up nd the sad thing is he denies taking the foot off the pedal 😭😭😭

Rambunctious Rambler

Al Davis knew football therefore he had a vision for the team he wanted to build and the coaches who could carry out his vision! Mark is not a chip off the old blocc!☠️💀


    Mark is too soft to stand up to the league like his father did we need a new owner who can do that

    channel surfer

    @27RAIDERMAN Mark got the Raiders into Las Vegas..good grief..I have no clue what you guys are talking about..not fighting for Jon Gruden maybe? what gets me is Amy Trask throwing him under the bus..she’s an attorney, what should absolutely appall her is that evidence in a legal case got leaked ..what if Jon was her client? I can’t believe the way she acted there.

    Tug Boat

    The game passed by Al long before he died. He crippled them with poor drafting and constant meddling with the coaches.I loved the guy but that’s being honest.

    Jesse Morrow

    Definitely not his father’s son

    Gideon Nwanisiobi

    He is not Al’s brain. Dummy as hell


I know it’s up to the players to execute, but man, it feels like this game (again) is on the coaches. Extremely poor play calling in the 2nd half especially in critical moments

    Babyman Tuck

    yup I agree. It was a tale of 2 half’s. JJ was hurting bad, but they kept pushing him and DA didn’t see nearly the ball. It’s a disappointment to have this game as a must win and get outplayed when it mattered most. And by a team not nearly as talented but You don’t win a game based on talent alone. Sucks!


    All on the coaches, I could tell the entire game, we playing to just get out there with a W and to dominate

Celso Gutiérrez

Volvió a pasar lo mismo dejan ir una ventaja mala secundaria y peores esquineros así no se puede ganar

    Jesus Matias

    Nesesitamos otro HC como sean payton sino quieren desaserse de mcdaniel que lo dejen como cordinador ofensivo y nesesitamos reforsar mas la defensa en especial los cb y s

Alan Loo

It’s the curse of the LA Raiders that started with Al Davis! Lack of execution, penalties, this team feels like Deja Vu. Late 80s to Mid 90s Raiders. Marty Schottenheimer, play a tight game and let the Raiders self destruct.

    Jesse Morrow

    It’s the Raiders in general. The NFL is always against us. Get used to it


Key words from derek carr “we run what ever josh is calllin”

    Dino Ruiz

    It’s the whole team saying that, Hollins also in this breakdown

    Dietrick McElveen

    @Maverick13 BINGO💯



    Raider Flores

    @Maverick13 you didn’t see last year ??? Lol go look up Carr audibles??!!😂😂😂 he’s the goat at audibles lol dumass McDonald’s don’t let him??? How he gunna audible if there ain’t nothing to audible too??

    Raider Flores

    @Maverick13 please understand football before commenting 😂😂😂🤣 I hope u don’t think it’s like madden where u can audible with any team/coach’

I Dislike the new Youtube

This loss is almost entirely on the coaches as per usual. An implosion of penalties, bad calls and improbable plays made us lose more than anything.
Less than 2 minutes left and PUNT?!?!?! A single first down ends the game and we’re 1 yard away…
Why would any coach of this team assume our Defense would win it for us?
First play, holding in end zone, uncalled on Maxx. Would have won the game.
2nd Play. Intercepted! And then given back with a first down because Amik Interference.
3rd play, Maxx sack, probably seals the game or at least wastes 30 s. Free first down and 15 yards for our DT smacking the ball out.
Last play of drive. ~16 seconds left, no timeouts. Somehow our DC calls a play NOT with 3 safeties in the end zone.
Not only do we not have 3, we don’t even have two. One safety cheats to the line, leaves a rookie 1:1 and we lose to the Rams.

More than anything, this is on the coaches. Why Josh Jacobs, who was clearly out of gas/injured/limping by the 3rd quarter was left in to Run/Run/Pass/Punt for two entire quarters is a mystery to every person on the planet not named Josh McDaniels.

    channel surfer

    pitch a tent in the end zone ..they needed a touchdown



Cedric Moore

Can you imagine Jerry Rice not catching a pass in a half?

    Bob Olson

    Great comparison.


    Davante needs to leave Las Vegas and never look back. He deserves better. That’s hard for me to say being a fan since the early ‘70’s.

    Zachary Oiland

    You mean the guy who had 10 games of a single catch for an entire game? 4 of which in his prime! In his best season ever he still had a game of only 2 catches. He was the GOAT not a god

Brian Waskow

At the beginning of the 4th quarter, I wrote the script about the raider demise, but mine gave the raiders 28 seconds, just enough time to throw a pick.



Kona the Rottweiler

McDaniels is to blame. He calls all the shots. I hope Jacobs & Crosby find other organizations who will build their careers. If they stay in LV their legacies will be ruined just like we are ruining Davante Adams.

It's me, what's his face

We can easily be 3 and 10 right now with 2 of those W were in OT
We need to beat them 49ers on new years day, so please my Raiders, show up for that game please 🙏

Carlos En Fuego

I just seen the push off on that touchdown catch, WTF 🔥🤬🏈☠️🔥



Golden King

Much respect to Mack Hollins for keeping it 1000! 👍🏼👍🏼



Dietrick McElveen

Having witness a devastating loss, in my day (Wide World of Sports )”The Agony of Defeat ” you can’t simplify it better than that! James Lofton and Eric Allen made good points. On defense, was it Patrick Graham call to play press with 15 seconds left on Van Jefferson knowing that Webb would have help over the top from the safety or did the safety failed in his assignment to execute? Need to hear/ know Patrick Graham thoughts on that play if possible. Would like to know where/how. Could use some help in that department comrades. To Eric Allen comments the formula first and foremost, is for Zeigler to draft (in his initial introduction speech as the new General Manager) smart, tough, physical football players. Able to execute effectively proper technique in order to make big time plays when the situation comes up. Continue to develop nondrafted football players. McDaniels and Graham schemes are challenging. It’s a blueprint for sustaining championship football. “The Thrill of Victory or The Agony of Defeat ” for now, I’ll go with the latter comrades. Staying true to the process. One game at a time. One other note on Derek Carr, 14 weeks into the season as a veteran quarterback having embrace the offensive playbook partially, you’re not capable of executing or calling an audible?


What happened is Josh forced the ball to an injured Jacobs. Jacobs couldn’t hold the ball with his right hand, so we kept running left. The defense knew what was going on and shut us down.

Wayne Aquina Jr.

McDaniels Having Historically Bad Season
McDaniels is in his first year as a head coach with the Raiders. First-year head coaches often lose a lot of games. However, it’s the way in which he’s losing that is most concerning. In the history of the Raiders, there has never been a head coach to blow a 10+ point halftime lead more than four times. McDaniels is only 13 games into his Raiders tenure and he’s already matched former head coach Art Shell in blown 10+ point halftime leads with four.

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