‘We cannot put people at risk’: Joe Ellis updates the status of Broncos fans at games in 2020 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Sean Jackson

Can’t wait for the first game

Ricardo Masvidal

Its worth the risk for me ill go to every game. People act like they’ve never been sick before just stay home and youll get through it. Let me go watch my team play



Bri O

Great leadership, Joe.

Treron Sinclair

Im just hoping for a televised game at this point it would suck without fans but as long as the players are healthy and willing to play we don’t need fans imo

Elijah Muniz


Mark Davies

Joe speaks really well here and justifies his reasons for the actions the Broncos are taking. Hopefully the games will go ahead at least on TV. I do feel for fans that can’t go to the games but hopefully the vaccine will mean full stadiums for the 2021 season.


    Mark Davies hopefully they give a list of ingredients in that vaccine, don’t be a sheep and let yourself be injected with who knows what….

    Mark Davies

    @JOEL00111 that is what the testing trials are for. I know the trials in USA involve a vaccine with controversial ingredient, that isn’t the case with all of the vaccines in development. I hope we don’t hear from the anti vax brigade as happened with MMR which was disproved but persuaded a significant section of parents and led to an increase in measles outbreaks.


    Mark Davies same people working on vaccine are the creators of the virus.. Bill gates/rothschilds funded it, look up “agenda 21 depopulation” an elites plan


Stay Safe, Stay Strong
We gonna have a Playoff year 2020
🧡💙Go Broncos💙🧡

Sen Raq

Hopefully the players are allowed to kneel for the flag.


I’m increasingly concerned we won’t get a season at all, with players opting out and these rising case numbers. Football brings us together. I hope we don’t lose it.

Brian G. Ellman

This was very well done. even she’d a tear. !!

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