Watt’s return fuels defense 💪 | Steelers Live The Extra Point – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Watt’s return fuels defense 💪 | Steelers Live The Extra Point

Missi Matthews, Dale Lolley, Matt Williamson and Shelby Cassesse recap the Steelers 20-10 win over the New Orleans Saints in Week 10, talk about how the impact the return of T.J. Watt had on the defense, establishing the run against the Saints and more.

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TJ is the only player in the NFL that can completely change the mood of the team. So happy he’s back 👍🏼🔥


    Instantly makes the Defense Elite again and gives the Offense short fields to work with. The only weak link I saw out there yesterday was Robert Spillane giving up plays in coverage because Myles Jack was out.

    Ivan Romero

    No offense in anyway, but these guys are pros! They shouldn’t have to depend on one guy! ✌️

wm strydr

The New Orleans Saints, are a cheap shot team, they were using the crown of their helmets all game long, that was a cheap shot on Harris (the crown of the helmet on his chin) nearly knocked him out! AND NO CALL? But the Steelers dished it out just as good, without the cheap shot just tough football, great job! Does the NFL not care about concussions! Refs should be fined for turning the heads on cheap shots.

    James Foreso

    If Najee had the ability to lower his pads, that shot doesn’t happen.

    wm strydr

    @James Foreso that sentence started with…if

Jailyn Wheeler

As a Saints Fan I’m happy for the Steelers for their win



Theol Isaacs

I’m sorry I know no one know who’s going to want to hear this but TJ Watt is the difference Maker for that Steelers offense and defense I can’t explain it when he gets a sec the Steelers are 38 and 1 when he gets a forced turnover they’re 39 and 0


    We all know TJ is our best player on the whole team

    James Foreso

    If Watt is healthy, they are 7-2 right now.

    William McPherson

    Why wouldn’t anyone want to hear that?

    William McPherson

    Why wouldn’t anyone would not want to hear that? I’m lost…watt is one bad white man.


I think they finish 9-8 maybe 10-7. Watt makes that kinda difference. as long as we can stay healthy. Kenny will improve. once Kazee’s in backfield in 3 safety sets with Mincha, along with Watt and a healthy D front, and our offense improving weekly. maybe we can be the first 7th seed to win it all, just like we were the first 6th? anything can happen. have faith.
If that happens Watt needs to be MVP, not just DPOY
go Steelers!

    Jarrett Martin

    They said we were already eliminated

    Tarvaris Allen

    How we already eliminated we can win 9 straight in go 11-6

    Ivan Romero

    They will be lucky to get 5 wins!

Howard Davis

It says a lot about the players that we have on our team. They all quit ,but now they have energy….lol

Ron Calde

Keep up stllers

Ron Calde

We can do it

Jason c

Sign kazee long term. Clearly he’s great! Maybe a mid round DB to develop behind him n fitz

Joy Smith

Let’s go

    William McPherson

    Go where? I’m lost.

William McPherson

Thank you white god for watt!

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