Washington Commanders Highlights vs. New York Giants | 2022 Regular Season Week 15 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Emillio Archuleta

Don’t even post highlights of the game. It’s a dissapointing game, we should have beat this sorry giants🤢

    Wrigley's Daddy

    Most analysts will say or have said the “Ref Backed” Giants get into the playoffs by winning lastnight….so what. 1 and done if they do. Same could be said about the WFT as far as 1 and done. Only difference is Refs love them Boys in Blue and Washington Players have to deal with payback from the league for Dan’s embarrasing mismanagement of the team.


    go cry in the corner 🤣

Sam Richards

Unfortunate they got screwed all game.


Giants was the better team this time.


    Not rly💀


    @Jo the media hyped ya’ll up all last week just for ya’ll to get a L 🤣


Welp, they gave about a month of hope late in the season. That’s something I guess, but should have already known that this team can only back into the playoffs every 4-5 years when the division stinks.

David Oliver

Coaching in the offensive line, we’re both terrible! You can throw the refs in there as well!

Time Traveler

Time to Face Facts , The NFL / Referee’s interfered in this Game ! Allot of People won’t like this , but its true . NFL wants Snyder gone , PERIOD !!!! If WFT teams makes playoff’s / playoff run , Snyder might re-consider what he might do as far as selling all or part of the WFT ! NFL always seems to have the Biggest Market area’s in the PLAYOFF”S . WFT teams base / Market is split , just listen to the Game when Giants made a Play ( stadium was full of Giants fans) Plus know one wants to say this BUT Where Does ALL the Challenges . extra Refereeing input come from from “” NY “” ,can you say Conflict of Interest . All these People Running / Working these Replays and Challenges LIVE IN NY ! How many times did the Game get held up by the Referee’s , for basically no reason ??? Personally After watching that last NO CALL , there is no doubt of NFL is interfering , by the use of Referee’s in Game OUT COMES . Remember Ref’s in the NFL are Making 200 , up to 250 Grand a Yrs for few hours work each week , a little refresher stuff in offseason and 3 preseason games . DID THOSE REF’S EARN THAT MONEY YESTERDAY , or maybe they did , from the NFL control of the out come standards . Hard to watch and be a fan , of organized manipulation , Might as well watch Pro – Wrestling , LOL ( Remember the Saints NO CLL on pass interference in the Playoff’s ( NFL wouldn’t change the rule to allow a challenge to Pass interference why ?? ( NFL would lose one of their control methods ) Personally got better things to do , than watch manipulated outcomes ! Remember Back in the late 70’s a group of Referee’s came out and said they control the game cause they can call or not call a penalty on EVER PLAY !


    shah hahansay bye to playoffs

    Wrigley's Daddy

    This was the exact same thing we were talking about after the Logan Thomas “Illegal Shift “call. Every wide out does a wabble towards the line of scrimmage when running down the line. Refs 90% of the time do not call it in any game. But, we believe this was a way to hold Washington back from winning. Very next play, #5 strip sacks, TD. How convenient.

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