Was TNF Baker Magic or a Raiders Collapse? – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Arabian Prince Fly Eagles Fly

A little of both Raiders couldn’t put them away but Baker took full advantage of his opportunity so props to him he showed the world he can still ball


    A Perfect Storm ☔. After the punt to the 2 I thought it was game over.

    Pirate Hunter Reviews

    Yea the raiders didn’t play to win the second half and by the time they tried to turn the energy back up it was too late. But still baker made the plays he had to make. It’s still an nfl team and they won’t just hand it to you

    Nikki Chappi

    Let’s run the ball 40 times on #5 run defense. And throw 19 times on #22 pass defense. 🥱 Sorry this is again on mcdbag

    William Gallo

    Both teams are absolute garbage. Don’t waste your breathe anymore.

    D S

    It was a collapse of black culture… the unsportsman-like conduct call…

Unboxed Character

Idk what was going on with Raiders defense but you can’t lie that Baker was throwing them dimes 🤷‍♂️

    Taylor Malone

    O that’s typical Raiders defense week to week my man.

    Junior Robledo

    Wasn’t the raiders defense fault they played great all game blame the offense couldn’t score points after the first half

    Dr. Spatula

    @Junior Robledo Penalties keeping a drive alive is on the defense

    for the love of God

    Yes he is a gamer he really puts his head into it.

Adam Quraishi

Definitely a collapse. A massive one too, might I add.

    Slim Skully

    Hell yea


    Baker threw three and arguably four perfect balls on that drive. Don’t overlook that.

    Slim Skully

    @carrite can’t overlook that but still a major collapse by the raiders don’t overlook the crucial penalties the raiders had

    Uncle Rico

    @carrite which came after a game losing pick and game losing sack

    Eddie Quezada

    @carrite he wouldn’t have got a couple of those off if the o-line wouldn’t stop holding Crosby

Sawyer Hinck

Rams magic baker mayfield played really well on those two drives.


That was quite impressive… I mean baker just did that! Proving hey I deserve to be here, the guy loves football and loves playing and so happy for that guy he’s been through a heck of a lot


It honestly DOESN’T MATTER! What Baker did was still nothing short of amazing. Don’t take this from him! Hope he continues this trend! 🙌

    Dave Bailey

    C’mon man! It’s FAKE. If it was actually real, then the Panthers will also regret letting him go like they might with CMC!

    William Gallo

    Both teams are complete trash. Stop caring this year.

    Tyrone Taylor

    @Dave Bailey “it’s FaKe” it’s to many hours put in before game day for it to be fake smh


This is the Baker effect. This is what he is. He walked on, and became the number 1 pick. He has more to prove

Ryan Campbell

I had mixed feelings about Baker, my cousin was in the same graduating class as him and was erratic about him, he absolutely loved him, would die for him. And eventually he started to absolutely hate him. Me, I was just kinda watching his story play out in Cleveland. At first, during that draft year, my dad and I both sat down to watch and secretly hoped that the pats would draft him somehow, when in reality we both knew there was a better chance for pigs to fly than that to happen. But after his time in Cleveland I kind of thought he was a bust, kind of wrote him off a bit, I finally had an “opinion” on him. Once he got traded to Carolina, I hoped a little that he could potentially start a new, and for a bit it seemed like he was, but then was benched and was named a third string QB. Once that happened, I think I became a “fan” or at least hoped for the best for him. Going into the game last night, I had no expectations, legit none. Being a pats fan I hoped the raiders would have won, because of all the former players and coach. But I did hope that baker could redeem himself and hopefully get out of that rut he was in. I think I started to appreciate or respect him once I saw him head butting the Carolina players because I believe that he was trying to change. And I think that’s when I started to come on to the baker train.

I hope LA works out for him, I really do. Say all you want about his attitude earlier in his career, but he seems different, he seems more mature and becoming more of a leader and I’m happy for him. I just hope the rams play out better than his time in NC. He seems like he still has it and he showed flashes last night, especially with barely knowing the whole system.

When he scorched that passing touchdown last last, I think I was just as happy as I am when the pats win. He definitely has something to him, to learn and memorize what he could in that little amount of time seems impossible to do, other than that colts qb, I forget his name. But it just seems unheard of to do what he did last night.


    Whew! A mouth full but we’ll said✅

    Ryan Campbell

    @SweetDiva 😂😂 yea I got a problem with typing/writing too much, was always a problem in school. I’ve always liked talking more because you could get your point across quicker.

    Pitch Buckets

    Good comment but what tell us more about your cousin…


Both. Just when you thought the Raiders had the game in the bag, Mayfield and the Rams come back to win the game.


What Baker did was unbelievable especially under the circumstances so not taking anything from him. But this was a complete and total collapse by the Raiders. I mean my goodness how many leads have they blown this season it’s just ridiculous.

    Hal Holman

    FYI….This was the 4th time this team has blown 13+ point 2nd half leads in the first 13 games of this season.

    My question: How did they get these leads in the 1st place?

William Bryan IV

ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME!!!!! Derek Carr threw for 13 yards in the second half and threw a terrible interception. They jumped offsides to give them a first down, had an unsportsmanship penalty on a sack that stopped the clock and gave them 15 yards, and the defensive on the last play of the game could have had all 11 guys lined up on the goal line to prevent a touchdown. Baker even said he was shocked they went press man on that TD play to win the game. PATHETIC!!! And #79 Offensive tackle for the Rams held Crosby on every pass play of that drive. SHAME! SHAME!! SHAME!!!!!

Camille Harris

You gotta give the Rams defense some credit, theyade the adjustments


This was definitely both. The PI, the Personal Foul, yeah, those both played roles. Why they were playing press, who knows? Baker threw some dimes though. Mad props to the whole team. I’m a Steelers fan, and I thoroughly enjoyed watching the Raiders get whooped while a guy who got screwed over by the Browns does it.

Jimmy Burresss

Within two days of getting to LA baker mayfield threw for 231 yards and a touchdown. Russel Wilson has thrown for 230+ yards and one touchdown just ONCE all season

Jimi Kelley

This is the funniest thing I have seen in a long time !!! Credit to Baker; but, true: Raiders did blow it with some inexcusable mistakes

Peter Talbot

I admit I was a bit of a late comer to this game called American Football. This season has totally captured my attention.. AMAZING. I don’t even understand all the rules or the nuances of it. Hasn’t seem to matter. The athleticism and skill. Thanks to you tube I don’t think I have missed a highlights package of any game this year.

Jonathan Sung

Baker said it in his post-game… having a new coach and system every year of his career was huge in him being able to execute that offense after 2 days

Dan Showlund

Lol, that was a great segment. Kyles walk of atonement was hilarious.

Chris Harris

Both, but mostly the RAIDERS simply gave the game away. I knew when they missed the field goal opportunity with the INT. Felt like odds makers had a hand in this, looked like at least 4 players were in on it. “Say it ain’t so Joe!”

J Murphy

The Raiders are exactly who we knew them to be after 8 weeks of losing in the most ridiculous ways possible. No one should have been fooled by the 3 game win streak.

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