Von Miller and Melvin Gordon III stand out in the final week of #BroncosCamp | Training Camp Tonight – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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#1 Let’s go Lock. Let’s go Broncos!

Erik Ramos

Von the g.o.a.t going to lead the NFL in sacks this year!! Watch!

    Ryan Alexander Bloom

    No disrespect to Von but if you look at Fangio’s defenses in the past the edge rushers are rarely the sack leaders on the team. Fangio doesn’t like to blitz and he really uses OLBs as LBs not DEs in disguise. Von used to play almost entirely edge rush DE in previous defenses. Now it’s a mix of coverage, edge setting, containment, and some QB rush… not a formula for league leader in sacks. He will contribute like the machine that he is but not in sacks. I predict the interior linemen get as many or more sacks than the edges.

Clibeth Dominguez

Lets go!!!!! we going to the payoffs were going to kill alot of teams with our defense💪


    Slow down there buckaroo

    K J

    LOL. Bronco will have their hands full game 1.

Kevin Jones

melvin gordon isn’t good lol. Terrible signing

    Matt R

    KBS KBREEZY 😂 you think I didn’t know that. I’m saying that they’d still have 8 mil to spend on him now you dummy. Also do you honestly believe NFL teams didn’t have fournette in their radar? I knew leonard fournette was going to be traded or released months ago, it was just a matter of time. All it would take is some patience.

    Kevin Jones

    @Matt R facts. Freeman is better to have on the roster. Much cheaper, younger, doesn’t have the huge fumbling problem

    Kevin Jones

    @Unknown Peace Lindsay wasn’t injured last year.

    Unknown Peace

    Kevin Jones he was coming off a wrist surgery

    D. Carter

    @Kevin Jones maybe it was the system he was playing in. Some players perform differently in different situations. We shall see my brother

John Vega

Lets go broncos

Kadin Trujillo

Bold but not that bold prediction

10, 5, and 1

    Flight Reacts


    K J

    I say 7-9 also.

Austin Kendall

Melvin and Phillip ball out together I don’t see what’s wrong with giving each less reps if they both are producing top of their game; just better durability imo.

Patrício DunDidit

Its definitely Miller Time.


This team is 7-9 at best.

Dan Martinez

Let’s go Broncos! Our d line is gonna be godly

Douglas Mccarthy

Von Miller vs backup RT’s makes Von look insane and the Tackle look really pathetic. Take what you see and temper it a little bit for both sides because both wont be going against others that are that far on either side of the spectrum normally.

Dave Logan

Chubb needs to stay strong mentally.Knees swell when 300 lbs of Blocker sliding down the line stressing knee..easy on it till it’s in game shape..no hurry..Malik Reed is there to spell you Man…

Roger Buswell

I met Chubb when he was a rookie and he’s a mountain of a man. You can tell he’s tougher than nails but also super smart. He’s not going to do anything stupid as he recovers from surgery. He’s ready to make his way onto the starting team gradually. When he’s ready, he’ll tear it up again.

Michael Crabtree

Keep up the great work guys!! Go broncos!!

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