Video Press Conference: C.J. Mosley (6/10) | New York Jets | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Ray Combest

Welcome Back. πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ

Motivated T

This just made my day!!! Took CJ 3 minutes as a NY JET to get pick six. Let’s Go!!!!

    Bear 7453

    Don’t forget about that fumble recovery LOL.


oh yea, this season is the one

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amazing video bro

Old Gang Green

If CJ or any Jet takes a knee during the National Anthem….I am no longer a Jet fan after 45 years nor an NFL watcher. They can say what they believe its about, but to me it is offensive and they need to respect mine and others who have the same view as me, as they want theirs to be respected. Too many family members are vets, some didn’t make it home, I also have police officers in my family, and a number of good friends that minorities, the flag and anthem mean a lot to me and many others like me. One thing it does not represent is racism, color does not matter in fox hole, if your house is being broken in to nor if you are a friend to someone. They need to respect others views and see that the knee does not draw people to them, it actually is dividing us driving us further apart. Together a difference can be made, divided it will not truly be made. There are many there ways to show their support, it can’t be supporting riots or defunding the police. They are in a position to do a great good and unite people but instead they are choosing to divide us. Put your millions where your knee is and have the NFL/Players take a piece of their money to promote race relations with a program that is fair and balanced for all parties. Build bridges don’t burn them.

    Genghis Khan

    As long the jets make the playoffs i couldn’t give a fuckkkk


    Find a new team then BLM GO JETS!

    Bear 7453

    Things need to change in this country, and I FULLY support kneeling during the national anthem.

    Bruce Davis

    Coming from a former enlisted MARINE, It’s not about the flag and if

Eric T

Love you CJ, I hope you many successful years with the Jets

Eric T

The Defense is going to kick some serious butt this year

    Bear 7453

    They already did last season with a bunch of no- names !

David D'Alba

Nice sound quality πŸ˜‘

michael lamountain

Welcome back C J. GO JETS

michael lamountain

I think the entire NFL should take a knee. Its time to end racism. Its time to live as one. Live as americans

    Jimmy Donohoe

    Tell me again how taking a knee ends racism. Kaep did it to raise awareness on the subtleties of modern racism in America. Now that it has been brought to everyone’s attention, what does kneeling do anymore? At this point there’s no reason to disrespect the flag.

    Bear 7453

    Jimmy Donohoe what does kneeling do? How about instead of ONE person (Kaepernick) how about THOUSANDS of players kneeling… will that send a message ?

    Michael DeBenedetto

    So taking a knee is going to end racism. I don’t think so. Living as one means respecting others…taking a knee disrespects others and at least 50% of the fan base. What it sounds like to me as those who promote this don’t respect other opinions and in the end, end up the real racists. Seeing the posts in response to my opinion show the level of disrespect to others opinion, shutting down opinions is not what being americans is about…as i said express yourself but not stifle others opinion you can find another way to make your point without being disrepectful.

    Jimmy Donohoe

    Bear 7453 the message has already been received since George Floyd. The only thing kneeling does is create an even bigger divide in this country. This country is going downhill because of this stuff, not uphill.

    Bear 7453

    Jimmy Donohoe the message has not been received and has not EVER been received man! Wake up. I’m not gonna argue about it but the fact that it is so easy for someone like you to shrug it off just further proves the fixing that this country needs.

George Burke

1:03-1:16 was my favorite part of the video

Duke Silver

Dude played one game healthy,week 1 and dominated……Please football gods give us the cure to covid -19 and 16 games of CJ for jets fans…

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Good Gamer

As a young white american i can see how white people are treated better than black men, it needs to stop this is america this is a nation not a war

Kumar Dubai

CJ lowkey wants Joe to start he always was supportive of Joe in Baltimore and always backed him and called him underrated. Joe can thrive if given the opportunity

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