Veteran Leadership | Jags Drive Time – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Veteran Leadership | Jags Drive Time

Ashlyn Sullivan, John Oehser and Brian Sexton discuss the upcoming Week 6 match up against the Detroit Lions.

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Torin O'Connor

Go Jags!

Clarence Dunn

Go jags.

DeNy Airy / Oeuvre

Jaguars could easily be 4-1 if the d held them to 24 instead of 30+ every week. Gardner is 9th in passing yards, 10/4, 69% CP (9th), with a 99.4 rating. Its crazy to think that with a slightly improved defense we are a good team. I think this is good! I really like where this team is. We all knew 2021 is our year, the worse we do this year the better our picks are gonna be and I also think we are gonna win some game here. I think we are going 6-10 again. Thats my prediction 🀘

Chari Elle

What’s with Ashlyn’s camera? She needs to turn the iris down.

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