Update: Nagy preaches the importance of playing fast – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Blkyrob the god

Wow I got an unlisted vid

Joel Fernandez

When training camp starts on July 27’th, I wanna see Fields ball out!! 🐻⏬

Richard Butler

Jenkins a giant out there. Hope he ball out this season.

Tom Nook



    If they make a new stadium there it will be a superdome similar to that of the rams. Also soldier fields is leased until 2028, so we’d still get 7-8 more years of gameplay at soldier


    That traffic and parking is horrible. great stadium with views but I hate waiting 2 hours in traffic just to find somewhere to park thats 30 mins away from the field


    @tryhardisgoated not if they buy out the lease….

    Jeremy K

    Solider field sucks.

Lord De'Mun

JUSTIN F1ELDS was picked 11th overall because he’s a 1 of 1 none before him and none to come 🐻⬇️

Jai Norman

Gummy bears

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