Tyrann Mathieu: “I’m proud that we were able to shut them out” | Super Bowl LIV – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE


The Gully Farm

They doubted us.

You doubted us!!

F the Media!

Sean Edwards


Calvin Nelms

Good job Chiefs defense to beat the 49ers yesterday

James Ayala

Hell yeah Superbowl champs

Rob Scott

Chiefs fan here. PSA: Dont act like patriots fans. Now go win 8 more!

Frog Farmer

Wrong Title and Thumbnail

Brad Duggins

Man Tyrann got a tan in Miami

King Sayette20

this is frank clark not tyrann

Trolling For snowflakes

Tyrann Cut his hair and changed his number to do this interview lol

    Mr Hazlett

    And put on some size 😂

    Tish Leigh

    Trolling For snowflakes 🤣😁🤣🤣😃😄😘🥰🙃🤣😎

Alex James

Where’d tyranns dreads go?!


Bro I went for 49ers but I’m happy for you and mahomes and the whole team and there is always next year for other teams but I actually want you guys to make another super bowl but we will see next season


lol so y’all uploaded the wrong video.

jose velazco


Rhoda G

I am glad they got rid of Alex Smith boy I was waiting for this day . Finally CONGRATULATIONS To CHIEFS !!!😎


So proud of this KC team but even more proud of our AWESOME defense!


Thats frank clark btw

Robert Merrill

Chiefs fan: first thats Frank Clark..second were all grounded and humble but we understand that to be back here next year its gonna take a lot of discipline and commitment to strive to be better than this year.

John Brown

We’re the Champions!!!!!

Ben Gomez

What happened to chiefs Insider I was looking forward to watching it Go CHIEEEEFS!

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