Travis Kelce’s Top Career Plays (so far) | Kansas City Chiefs – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Derpy Baby

Happy Birthday Travis kelce

KC Ducie

Killa trav Best TE in the NFL💪🏽 🛑🟡#ChiefsKingdom

Raymond Long

Let’s go chiefs!! Smith to Kelce was such a good hookup. I miss Alex smiths cadence’s that sounded like he was commanding a group of men into battle.

    Raymond Long

    @James T. Kirk yes it seems long ago but In reality it was only 2018 mahomes started.

    James T. Kirk

    @Raymond Long
    Yes, I know when Pat first became starter. Patrick should’ve started in the middle of 2017. I guarantee the Chiefs would’ve beaten Tennessee in that Wildcard game, if Mahomes started.
    Alex just didn’t have that gear to push the team forward.

    Ryan Guidry

    @James T. Kirk yea and was the greatest ab I laid eyes on in 2018 no doubt

    Ryan Guidry

    Qb ^^

    James T. Kirk

    @Ryan Guidry
    Lol. I was confused with that ab comment for a second. 😅


Still going strong to this day @ChiefsKingdom

Dillon Higgins

Travis “The Mountain 🐐” Kelce

Teri Giese

Such a fantastic athlete!!!Happy 33 big fella!!!🥳👏🏻👏🏻👊🏻💥

The Dubbman

Give this dude his Gold Jacket!!!

Heather in Kansas

5:53 I was going to be so disappointed if you didn’t include that TD against the Bills, lol! Best TE in the league; hope his head still fits through the door, haha!! Happy Bday Kelce!!!🎂🎉🥳


    Kinda sad they didn’t include his Super Bowl TD but still a great video.

Slingshot Footy

Kevin Harlan with most of the calls!

Slingshot Footy

I’d have added the last game in Oakland in the corner of the endzone on the dirt was a great catch. I think he had a really good one against the Chargers in Mexico City too. Also….Super Bowl td…cause it’s the Super Bowl =)


Greatest Tight End of All Time and it’s not even close

K Cook

I bet Paul Rudd’s already watched this!!! Kelce is a beast!


As long Travis & Mahomes & Andy stays together Chiefs will remain legendary👑 #Chiefs Kingdom

Khai McMillan

Future HOF for sure 🔥🔥

Joe Thom

1:56 bro jumped like 18 feet without even trying.

Slim is chillin

Kelce is the goat… Of course we had TG, but he didn’t have the finesse & agility Kelce has.

Ethan Clay

His 7 yard jump against the eagles top 3

Peter Winston Aldredge

I just love to watch the Chiefs, especially my man, Travis Kelce. He really does make some amazing moves on the field. How ’bout those CHIEEEEEFS!


Should have put in the TD where he broke Denzel Ward’s ankles.

tom s

amazing route runner, sticky hands and slippery after the catch. plus some sweet td celebration dance moves. oh and hes a pretty good blocker too. i know he gets props from the kc fans but i think he may be even more highly regarded after he retires. people take him for granted too much now and those people will realize what they had once they start missing his productivity on the field. hope he doesnt retire and prove me right for several years though!

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