Travis Kelce, Frank Clark & Laurent Duvernay-Tardif Speak to Media | Chiefs Press Conferences – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Brenda Rasmussen



    Yes 🔴🟡🔴🟡🔴🟡 love it

John Schaeffer

Hope Clark steps up this year

    Andrew Crim

    He will because the chiefs are moving Jones to de some this season so in that case you will have
    On the field together

    Andrew Crim

    The last time Reed and Clark played together they both went over 10 sacks that season

melford joachim

I smell a SB chiefssssssss

Alex Cortes

A Big Change in Laurent’s Line let’s hope for the better. A lot of talent and experience helping each other give Pat a little more time and rest. We need some no-look passes! Go CHIEFS!!!

    big lea

    The Dr is trash

James Rowell

Dr. LDT has arrived. It’s great to see that man again. A true humanitarian.

Micah Hayes

Terez Paylor would have loved this press day. RIP my dude.


Patrick Mahomes will retire before Tom Brady 😂🤣

    TDR 0484



I never want to hear Mahomes name again in the sane sentence as Brady’s when it comes to the GOAT conversation. Brady slammed that shut in SB 55.

    Cora Bee

    It’s a discussion only after Mahomes’ career is done. Right now it’s an apples and oranges discussion. Which one is more athletically gifted? That one is pretty obvious. Accolades and accomplishments are only measured at the end.

    TDR 0484

    He’s about to play his 5th year bruh calm down. Nobody actually thinks he’s the goat, people just accept that if he did somehow pull off 5+ super bowls then most people would say he’s better than brady. Brady been carried his whole career


Mahomes will never ever win another SB. Brady will beat him next season & go back to back & accomplish what Mahomes wasn’t good enough to do. Brady will add one or two more SBs for good measure & all the Mahomes fans will be crying,. 😂🤣


Mahomes really sucks!! 😂🤣
Brady is really great!! 😂🤣
Brady is so much greater than Mahomes it’s ridiculous!!! 😂🤣
Mahomey fans are crying!! 😂🤣

    TDR 0484

    Sperg alert


I visited a special place: the Mount Rushmore of QBs. The greatest to ever do it. Faces like Montana, Manning & Drew Brees were etched in it. And on top of this mountain was a 100 ft Greek god statue with Tom Brady’s face etched in it who stands above them all.

Yet I noticed there was a large group of NFL fans who seemed slightly unbalanced, unhinged even, at the bottom of the mountain surrounding this shiny pebble named Patrick Mahomes. They paid no attention to the mountain or the Greek god statue on top of the mountain. Instead they were pleasuring themselves to this tiny pebble & claiming it was greater than the mountain & the statue on top of the mountain.

They appeared to be very low IQ people. I asked them some questions & realized they’re fell into 2 camps. Pathetic Chiefs fans & delusional Mahomes fans who get overly excited by physical talent & seemed to have zero idea of the mental aspects of what it means to be a great QB. They reveled in their own self importance & continued to genuflect to this shiny pebble which in their mind was greater than the mountain & it’s majestic 100 ft statue that stood before them.

Delusional, low IQ fans indeed


    TDR 0484

    You’re letting you’re aspergers show buddy


Tom Brady will lead the Bucs to first ever 20 and 0 season beating Mahomes again to win his 8th ring
Brady will then become the 1st quarterback in SB history to 3peat beating Mahomes for a 3rd time winning his 9th ring
Brady will retire and the Tom Brady 2.0, Mac Jones-led Patriots will win 3 rings in the next decade
Mahomes will accumulate multiple injuries due to his style of play and retire as a one and done SB winner
Mahones fans will still say he’s the greatest ever publicly while privately they cry in their pillows every night 😂🤣🤡


Tom Brady owns the Chiefs
Tom Brady owns the Chiefs’ fans
Tom Brady owns Patrick Mafraud
Tom Brady owns Patrick Mafraud fans
Tom Brady owns your salty tears
Tom Brady owns your empty souls


I have been a Chiefs fan since before the start of the 2020 season. But after watching Tom Brady dismantle my QB in the playoffs again to win his 7h SB, I realized I was rooting for a poverty franchise & a highly overrated QB who really hasn’t done much on the world’s biggest stage. I now recognize Brady as the GOAT & after viewing old Brady Pats’ SB wins I am becoming a die hard Pats fan too. It looks like after Brady is done beating MaFraud in the playoffs, Mac Jones, aka Tom Brady 2.0, will take over beating up on him in the playoffs. I encourage all of my fellow Chiefs and Patrick MaFailure fans to see the light and abandon their poverty franchise & QB before it’s too late!

Steven Peterson

G0 CHIEFS !!! 2021 = 20 – 0 SB CHAMPS !!!


Patrick MaFailure will retire before the GOAT Tom Brady. He will only have one SB ring. Meanwhile Brady will win at least ten. Patrick MaLoser fans will lose their freaking minds & repetitively squeal “cheating” & “refs” to try & explain away his greatness & success & will never be able to admit that Brady the GOAT was so superior to their underachieving QB. 😂🤣🤡

    TDR 0484



I will stop commenting ONLY when every single last Chiefs & Patrick MaFailure fan admit Brady is the GOAT unequivocally & that he is all of your Daddy as well as your poverty QB’s and team’s Daddy as well. Please leave your comments of fealty here. 😂🤣🤡

Cora Bee

So glad LDT is back. What a great O line room and I can’t wait to see those guys protecting Mahomes and road grading the way for the RB room.


Losing the Superbowl was literally just bad luck on injuries. None of you should be beating yourselves up for that loss. Given the circumstances pulling off a win was pretty much impossible.

Tim Clark

After this interview excited to see what Frank Clark and the Chiefs DL will do this year….Go Chiefs!!

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