Training Camp Press Conference – Head Coach Ron Rivera – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Larry Mills

That’s a real coach!

Redskins Fan


    Mr. ParkPlace757 VA

    Somethings are bigger than football Sucker!


    Can we stop honoring criminals? Play dumb games, win dumb prizes. If we are going to honor anybody how about the INNOCENT children that have died by countless shootings in Chicago that doesn’t see the news. Or let’s start trying to put an end to burning down communities and people’s way of making a living and they having nothing to do with the issue.

    Mr. ParkPlace757 VA

    @VA OFF-ROAD yet the white guy walks down the street with an AK, and police do nothing. Lol. You can’t say nobody’s a criminal, they haven’t had their day in court. Dummy!

# hamdale

I feel bad for this guy… im glad he took the job. But, I imagine he’s starting to regret it.

    Reginald Burgess

    I don’t know about that. He knew what he was getting himself into. Besides what does it matter if he regrets it now? He’s here now.

    # hamdale

    @Reginald Burgess i hear u, but… how could anyone have known all that had yet come out when he accepted the job? It’s been an unprecedented off-season for any organization.

    Reginald Burgess

    @# hamdale You’re right. I can’t argue with that.

Martim Cabral

So when are they doing the scrimmage at fedex?


    Probably tomorrow

    Moneyking Kevo

    Its definitely going to happen before the start of the season…if not tomorrow Saturday

Kenneth Harris



We trust you coach

Moneyking Kevo

They still going to have a scrimmage at fedex field before the season start…i think it was a smart move to cancel it today to let players clear they mind on whats going on in the real world…i respect Ron Rivera for this move


dude had a warrant out for his arrest. police were called to the scene of the crime. he had a knife, disobeyed the police, then circled around to the driver side of his car and they found another weapon on the floor. i cant confirm what type of weapon. However the media seems to forget or fails to disclose all important details. In the end BLM and violent protesters did not wait to find out the truth and burned down local buisnesses that support blm and many owners who tried to defend their buisnesses were attacked. Including a 71 year old man who was knocked unconscious when he eas using a fire extinguisher to put out the fire in his buisness.

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