Tracy Morgan joins the Manning Cast on ‘MNF’ | Week 3 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Yo, what a legend

Bouche Caldwell

We scrimmaged the Giants in HS🤣🤣🤣🤣

Billy Yank

this is like the most awkward thing lol

dag dag

We love you Tracy


People complaining about Tracy Morgan being drunk on the Manningcast on Twitter might be the funniest thing I’ve seen 😂😂…….this was not 1 off for Morgan, this is how he is in every interview

    casey england

    Pat was faded too. Lol

    Jeremy Daw

    He was not acting in 30 Rock.


Tracy Morgannnnnn. I am watching you in Charles Town, WV soon man! I can’t wait!!

Doodoo Swaggy

Glad to know Tracy hasn’t changed. This is gold.

Leg Man

At first I thought “Why are they having the mayor of NYC on here?!?!”

Susen Join now

People complaining about Tracy Morgan being drunk on the Manningcast on Twitter might be the funniest thing I’ve seen 😂😂…….this was not 1 off for Morgan, this is how he is in every interview


Peyton was like:
This is getting old, Tracy.


Tracy was either drunk or high but this if funny af

Sean Stand Up

Who’s ever idea this was. Thank you. Was kinda shocked lol


Tracy Morgan always in character. Feel like this was a ep of 30 rock.

Sarah Don't T[A]P Me!!

Glad to know Tracy hasn’t changed. This is gold.

Adam Erjavec

Him talking about how Tony Dorsett used to sell fish out the back of his van had me ROLLING dude

    Curt Jones

    LOL hilarious. HE DROVE THE WHITE VAN!

Daniel Penrod II



Like he says screwed: “All of them”


I really needed this today.

Filthy Hernandez

hustle man!!

unusual username

With all the advances in technology, it seems as if there will always be that awkward delay between the question and the answer in exchanges on TV. Lets get to work on that! You can’t interview Tracy Morgan with a delay! He woke up on Tuesday morning and answered a question from Monday night! Let’s get on that!

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