Total Packers: 1-on-1 with Aaron Jones – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
James Westen


    James Westen

    Daym ! When I subbed to this channel there were less than 3000 subs, now there’s 91k!

    Vencie Allen

    Right Page growing daily !!!!

    James Westen

    Green&Gold till my coffin grows mold!! Like this page if you’re a die hard Packers fan like me!

    Vencie Allen

    Agreed !!!!!! Go Pack Go


Aaron Jones is one of my favorite Packers of all time. Just as a person, the fact hes a helluva play maker is massive bonus. GO PACK GO

Luis Moreno

If jones got full time play wit most touches he definitely b top 3


Get rid of Aaron Rogers . Work on are running game even more keep the defense guys. Rogers is a waste of money, that money could be use to do better think about it. Rogers can’t win in the playoffs

Saul Orosco

Dillon got it so we should trade Jones so AROD can finally get an elite oline and defense

Teri Giese

Such an amazing man on and off the field!!

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