Tori & Tim | Breaking down the initial Detroit Lions 53-man roster – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Don Bur

Or a job

Erick Dorsey

AP is durable, he can teach the backs how to stay healthy.


    Erick Dorsey That’s very true AP has defeated the odds when it comes to surviving his position this long and he can definitely teach the younger backs on the squad how to stay more healthy.

Dan Buschlen

Love how they rationalized the Huntley blunder. Quinn is clueless.


    Just say your mad.. a player that’s never even took an nfl snap got cut so what


    Let’s wait and see what the eagles do with him before we got all pissed.

    J J

    we have literally no use for him. We already have good Returners and good receiving backs. why are you upset we cut a later round RB when we have such a crowded backfield.

    chief 2017

    @J J because some would rather complain and not support the team. Onepride

Kaden U

Huntley likely would’ve gotten any playing time this season barring injuries. I think he was drafted to light a fire under Agnew and Ty and it did so. Ty Johnson has done really well in camp especially when swift and Bo were injured.


If Bo was going on IR, why BQ didn’t just keep Huntley n cut Bo because other team wouldn’t sign Bo due to BO not passing physical 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️

    J J

    what use do we have for huntley. There’s no room for him or Bo tbh.


    Cause we got AP and didn’t need Huntley.

Tyler D

when will we get okudah’s and swift’s numbers?

    Erick Dorsey

    Their wearing them

    Austin Bowman

    They just dropped today. Okudah 30 swift 32 AP 28

Lions Fan

Look at Tori man soo Inspirational 🔥💪

Lions Fan

#OnePride #RestoreTheRoar

Keecheng Vang

Hi Tori. Love you.


Tori looking so fine as always as I do like the AP pickup still a very durable back who can help out the youngsters especially when it comes to staying healthy. Ready for these CareBears on Sunday LET’S GET IT!!!!

amoneybags vernon

This is what I don’t understand you get rid of slay for a 5th round pick then select your 5th round pick then get rid of him so to me it seems like they gave away slay for free somebody help me understand please I just don’t get the lions and their head office

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