Top 10: Trick plays and toe-tap catches from the Texans Offense || 2019 NFL Season – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Christhegoto 72

We’re going to the Super Bowl next year..

Gervin Williams

What could have been…

Tyson Eaglin

fire BOB and we going to the super bowl

    Toni Montana

    your first head coach WON the super bowl AFTER he got fired in Houston (as Packers DC)
    your second head coach WON the super bowl AFTER he got fired in Houston (as Broncos HC)
    your interim head coach GOT to the super bowl AFTER he got fired in Houston (as Rams DC)
    your third head coach … how about trading him to Jets?

    Tyson Eaglin

    Toni Montana now we have different players ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    Toni Montana

    Guys in Cleveland were saying exactly the same.
    If you think BOB is the reason of all your troubles, trade him to Jets.
    Though, Jacksonville would be a better destination.


Bill o brien goes for it on special teams in the playoffs against the chiefs โ€œwE dInT hAvE a PlAy FoR 4&1โ€ regular season eh letโ€™s go for it on 4 & 3 n close it out.

Carter DaBeast

Texans will win super bowl next year

Davor Stjepic

The only way to get better is to fire Bill Oโ€™Brien! Granted it would be still still 4 years late but what can you do now?!

Jose Ruiz

best play number 1 unreal Texans have all to win a superbowl nex year 100% texans fan ๐Ÿˆ๐Ÿˆ๐Ÿˆ๐Ÿˆ๐Ÿˆfor life

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