Top 10 Jets Plays At Midseason | 2021 Season | The New York Jets | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
I Have A Brain

J E T S Jets Jets Jets




    china doll and soft like Charmin. Ever see Warren Moon a football life? Moon is pumping weights so he can take a hit. White needs to do the same.


Seeing that johnson run at 10 only made me realize we really had like no good plays

    Igor Muniz

    there were honestly some better plays then that but that was a nice truck

TMT Sheppard

For 1 and 2, the fans went crazy! Love the reaction!

Diego Alvarez

Shaq Lawson’s INT is the only Game winning play on this list. should have been #1

    Jon Solo

    But it didn’t win the game. Mike white catching the 2-point conversion to get us up 3 was our last score. The INT set it up, but the TD scored afterward was technically our game winner

    Diego Alvarez

    @Jon Solo without that pick there is no 2 point conversion but by this logic then they still got the number 1 play wrong. I knew the Zach wilson bomb was gonna be number 1 but it shouldn’t.

Austin McCune

God i hope Wilson works out. Those throws vs TEN are absolutely insane haha.

Wayne Clarke

I hope Wilson can get healthy and can settle into the position. We have to get better protection though.

Frank Palancio

Lot of jet fans still drinking Woody’s kool aid.

James In Philly

I woulda put the Ty Johnson TD against the colts at 10. Or even the run down by Elijah Moore and mims off that interception in the bengals game that lead to the goal line stop. A few Michael carter plays were better than 10. Hell id even put Keelan coles TD that was ruled not a catch over that 17 yard run they put at 10.

Richard Price

Zach with his trainer will be getting things together. Zsch had an excellent offense line.
Thats what he needs in NFL

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