Tom Brady on Returning to San Francisco, Facing the 49ers Defense | Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

According to reports he originally desired to play for the 49ers but they turned him down. As Bucs fans we should be thankful to the 49ers otherwise we would have missed out on all our recent success with him hear.

    John Hagan

    @Addicted2Action That’s crazy talk .Having a great shot at Winning Championships right now is the only way of thinking about it . Jimmy G will never bring any titles to SF . Seriously wat is it with the niner fans wanting to go all in with G . No disrespect intended but Jimmy is a B class Quarterback at best

    John Hagan

    @Peter Pagliaro Exactly ! The bucs current coaching staff should have already been fired ! And as long as they are in place Tampa won’t be relevant in this league

    Nancy Paulson

    I’m predicting 49ers win by 10 pts. It’s in 49ers territory and 49ers have #1 defense and have the better position of the field being in 49ers yard 0

    Nancy Paulson

    @John Smith Ha Ha Ha. I don’t think so . We don’t need Brady!!!! Lets let the game determine who is the better fit for the 49ers. I pick Purdy over Brady and the score will show that too.

    jonathan Burquez


Robert Jackson

Why is it that every time the media asks Tom any questions, it ends up sounding like he’s teaching them the fundamentals of football? 🤔


    Cuz he is a Coach & Leader❣️


    Cause he’s a master at saying a lot while saying nothing

    Mark Mac

    ive seen that same question about BB many times. like the time he went on for 5 mins about punting back in the old days.

    Random Updates

    He’s Yoda of football, deal with it. 🐐

    Kelvin Barber

    @Scottph123 he was taught by the master Belichik


You’re just AMAZING!!! I love you with my whole heart and soul!!! You’re one of the good ones❣️ Thanks for being you and continuing to shine your light and inspire us in the process. ♥️💫♥️✨

Cynthia Smith

He is a genuine nice man HE love’s his sport!!! He speaks kindly of his player’s. You can handle it, Tom…. You are the man, I mean, the, 🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐…….🏈🏈🏈…..

    Mary Gilliam

    Yes he is one of a kind he’s the goat n always will be. Let’s do this Brady !!

    pol pol

    @Mary Gilliam let’s do what?


This man is a legend 👍

    Nancy Paulson

    All legends fade into history.

B T.

Tom I Love You, Your Greatness Personified , And love how genuine you are ❤️

Nancy Latifa Morrison

what a great guy! just a wonderful human being on every level…go TB12, go Bucs!!!


    I see you fall for his act too. He’s one of the greatest competitors to ever walk the earth, but I have several relatives who work at Gillette that say he is a complete scumbag behind the scenes. Cheats in every relationship, is rude to anyone who can’t help him accomplish his own goals, and disrespects women. But sure, believe this on-camera persona. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

    Lady T

    @Anthony I’m sure he has some kindness, no one’s perfect.

jak kal

tom was once asked how he handles the pressure of scoring in the last 2 minutes of a game he said its not pressure its fun what is pressure is my sister telling me that she has to filled out a resume and try to find a job….true story

♛ Ricardo ♛

TB12 is the Michael Meyers of the NFL this man refuses to die!!!

    Random Updates

    Cheesy bruh but… 🐐

    Hashtag Unicorn Sisters

    Not really, seems like he has died this year. He’s just doing 2 minute miracle comebacks. But in general, he has been terrible this year.

Cuong Nguyen

Watching him under 2 mins is soo calm vs any other qbs


You’re the man Tom!!!!


His off the field greatness came thru here….Bravo


It was great to hear Brady talk about San Mateo and his childhood here in the Bay Area. It got me all nostalgic too.


If Tom Brady had joined the 49ers and had the same career there as he had with Patriots and Buccaneers

The 49ers would be the Greatest NFL Team to ever exist by a long Shot.

17 Superbowl appearances
12 Superbowl Wins

Let those Numbers sink in.

Of course again this is on the off chance Tom Brady would have had the same Success.

Priscilla Sprague

The best QB there ever was and ever will be! Love you TB. 😘😘

Wave Riderz

Good to see someone speaking well of the Bay Area!Saw my first 49er game when they were at Kezar. Fished all the areas around Candlestick, and learned to drive in the stadium’s parking lot. Attended a brother school to Serra in SF so this brings back a lotta’ memories. Good to see Tom Brady coming home! Good luck. Go 49ers!!

GC Yours

When it comes to comparing GOATS every metric counts, every little thing counts to separate it. Years: Brady, Stats: Brady, Rings: Brady, Wins & Winning %: Brady and most of all 4th Quarter comeback (AKA MR. Clutch): 44x BRADY. No matter how you slice it BRADY wins in everything.


Tom Brady is a great Football player and appears to be a good person outside of football hope all works out for him in his future endeavors

Ann Noel

Wow he is absolutely amazing every time he talks I have to watch he’s just a perfect gentleman I hope he wins in San Francisco God bless you Tom! And Merry Christmas PS I’m in New England but I’m a Tampa Bay fan now since you’ve been there!

    Rhonda Mcdonald

    Im a Tom Brady Fan no matter where he is or goes, “I will follow him” LETS GO!!!

Lady T

Awesome Quarterback!
Goooo 49er’s !!!

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