Tom Brady & Byron Leftwich Press Conferences – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Tom Brady & Byron Leftwich Press Conferences

Tampa Bay Buccaneers coaches and players spoke to the media on Thursday ahead of week 7 vs. the Carolina Panthers.
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Cody Fletcher

You can hear the weight on his shoulders in his voice. I have faith he will work this out. He has had way less talent in NE and pulled through

    Cody Vandal

    he was also much younger with much better coach

    Vito Smith

    He’s not the same….to much going on at Home…besides …he needs Bruce back to push him…he doesn’t have any coaches that will push him….

Anshuman Kanjilal

I believe bucs will be 12-5 this season.

    Cody Vandal

    I’d take that bet


Tom seemed quite happy and cordial he knows everything will be okay they’ll get back Vs Carolina this Sunday If anything Brady’s fire is back

Benny Pit

I’m with Byron on EPA, his look said it all. Can you spin EPA to be an important stat measurement…. yes, can you spin EPA to be completely irrelevant…. yes. EPA compiles so many other stats and figures together, and other skill positions stats/likelihoods, it’s hard to make sense of a lot of it.
Receiver route odds, combined with O-line protection, combined with play action, combined with length of throw and on and on and on.

Jo el

Byron getting a bad rep this season, some fair criticism but he has coordinated two of Toms greatest seasons of his career, and deserves some slack. He and Tom are going to fix this


this season has been a massive let down but i think Tom will turn it around. The talent is there we just need better plays is all

    Dusdin Cobain

    Not having the starting center in Jensen is huge. That o line is shaky and not consistent

    Jesse Fava

    we need gronk back bad. but it’s still early I think we def will be fine

    MyName Is

    No it’s not! Jones and Gage were bad pick ups at the WR spot. We don’t have a good TE on the roster and the Online is not good after two pro bowlers left. This is reality, not opinion.


*50:30** Let’s just take a minute to appreciate how much time and work she put into these videos?*
*It’s unbelievable, and I think they deserve a lot more than that*


Love it!! To the point and blunt! Thank you Byron and Tom! There will always be opinions from us sofa spectators! HA! Go Bucs!!


It’s all good Tom, we know what you meant.

    Mad Max



I’m not worried we gotta get better but I believe they will. Plus the division this year is weak the Falcons is the only team we have to worry about. And we already beat them.

Ryan Fick

Jenna’s gem of the day: Asking Brady to further explain his use of the military analogy when the dude literally just said he shouldn’t have done that and apologized for it. Read the room and listen to what players and coaches say, Jenna!

    Fairwarning 007

    I’m still waiting for her to educate Bowles on the importance of black representation.

    Ryan Fick

    @Fairwarning 007 imagine what they say behind her back.

Shane Frey

I have hopes for Leftwitch but he definitely sounds stubborn and not looking to currently adapt to how the team is performing and the personnel we have

Seth S

So Byron thinks the best thing is to run behind Goedeke? Very encouraging 🤯

    Lawrence Fitzgerald

    he also said its not logical lol


People getting upset about the military post are hillarious Tom Brady is a patriot and respects our military he didn’t mean it bad at all

The Godfather

Tommy is sounding more like Tommy in this interview. Is he back? 🙏


I think I’m slowly becoming obsessed with Brady😂🙈😍 Studying for an exam comes to a halt when he is doing the Thursday conference or playing on Sunday😂

    Jesse Fava

    been like that since 2001. I live in New England. but I’m now a bucs fan since he left the pats hahaha


    @Jesse Fava Haha I’m a 49ers fan but support the Bucs because of Brady 😂

Rafael Rodriguez

Love the questions they gave to Byron he needs to be checked with his terrible play calling

Humberto Nuñez

Running to Goedeke’s side is what’s best for the team at the time? WOW 🤦

Kickin' It Martial Arts

We need Rob and Julian back with Tom

Sam Lewis

I could tell from watching this video that Byron Leftwich is a very stubborn guy! But I also like the confidence he has in this team even though there are a lot of issues within the team. Such as bad execution, O-line has not been very good, and defense has been pretty soild except for one thing: letting the team convert on third and long! Which was a primary example against the at the time 1-4 Steelers! But I hope that we can start winning games moving forward! Because as of for now, I’m very concerned with this team!

For Tom, he seemed a little more happy, which is a good sign because he’s not been himself for the past few months! Maybe this is the time where he starts to get himself together! And the team also! Hopefully he begins to play better, and he starts throwing the ball down the field like he usually does! And maybe, just maybe we can make the playoffs! Hopefully we can win another superbowl in the process, but thats a long stretch!

Tom had classy answers as always! And that charismatic smile! And he even apologized for the comment he made on his podcast a couple days prior! So I think that we can say that he had the decency to come forward and admit his fault he had done, just made a wrong comparison, and poor wording!

Lets get the W! And start to win games like we’re capable of! Lets go Bucs! And of course Thomas Edward Patrick Brady Jr.


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