Todd Bowles on Third Down Conversions, Gives Injury Update on Cam Brate | Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
David Austin

We gotta do a better job.. this play calling has been horrible these past few games on both sides of the ball. The O-line I know has been our worst, I wished we could’ve addressed it with signing some vets, Tom was throwing the ball at the grass when it was thrown to Godwin, I think Dee Delaney did great! Wish he would’ve came up with that fumble recovery and also gotta clean up the penalties. On the upside there is A LOT of football left!! GO BUCS!! 💣💨💥🏴‍☠️

    Robert baker

    that snap fumble was crucial. Presents a 3rd and 16 and they make it. Inexcusable. If the Bucs stop that play Brady gets the ball and a FG wins it.

    Niles Miller

    The play calling has gotten us in the RedZone numerous the ball placement and excustion.

Kickin' It Martial Arts

Get them and Tom together it will be the spark the Team needs


Coach, you are a CLASS ACT❣️ I know this is as hard for you as it is for us to watch. You are handling a difficult situation well. We support you unconditionally❣️ Hang in there and think positively as you implement changes. This too shall pass. Sending healing energy for Cam!!! ✨❤️💫

    Aaron Abeyta

    “CLASS ACT” does NOT = WINS… Good coaching does!! Look at his history as a HC… Whatever he’s trying to, “implement”, is NOT working, and didnt work when he was with the Jets..

    Gold Tau

    Unconditionally? I need to get a job like that.


It’s sad to see what the offense has turned into in 2022.

    Black Crow Vol 2

    Play calling is vanilla.

    Cody Vandal

    Even last year they were on fire most of the season with only injuries and a bad play or two standing between them and the NFC championship game. This is a different team

MMayn94x M

We are missing a pass rush. Hopefully Jensen can get back and guide this young OL. People already writing us off like we are not going to win our division and be a playoff team Relax everybody long season still ahead not even half way through

    Cody Vandal

    Even so this is the statistically worst six game stretch of Brady’a career. Being in NY for a party the night before the game doesnt help either.


    @Cody Vandal I agree, I think that had a mental effect on the whole team. When your QB is off at a party and has to travel to the game not with the team, that can have a big effect on the team especially when you do not make walk throughs. I am a big Brady fan but he just seems like he not all there since the season started. I know hes mentally tough but he’s going through a lot and it is hard to not think that is is having an effect on him. He has to make that decision and be the Tom Brady he’s been the last 20 years.

    MMayn94x M

    @Cody Vandal agree not absolving Brady at all he can’t throw all those passes in the dirt. Offense just didn’t execute as a whole

    Kevin voisine

    They miss Suh and Pierre Paul

Florida Boy

We gota get Mike Evans more involved gota put beat players in position to succeed


Defense is still great, offensive line is playing good for who’s in the lineup, play calling and execution needs to be better. We need to move our playmakers around and create mismatches and let our probowl receivers ball!

    Phoenix King

    I think you have a different definition of the word “great” than most of us. How are they letting 26 yard passes on 3rd and 15 in the 4th quarter. Do you remember the playoffs last year? Our defense is mediocre at best with terrible play calling.

    I don’t know if Tom is getting old and rigid, but defenses seem to be very ready for him in a way they haven’t in many years. Its eerie and sad.


    @Phoenix King As bad as our offense is playing, our defense has kept us in games and made big plays. Great doesn’t mean perfect as no defense is, but ours balls and has performed great considering the positions our offense has put us in. It’s week 6. We’ll right the ship

    Aaron Abeyta

    🤣 “Great Defense”?? They can’t stop anything on 3rd and crucial downs. We played 2 top 10 offenses one of them put 41 on us and the other had Jamis Winston at QB with multiple of their playmakers out of the game. We’re not forcing fumbles or getting enough take aways to be considered a, “Great Defense”.. Considering the teams we’ve played we’re slightly above average.

    Phoenix King

    @Johnnie I hope so, but so far…. 3, 10, 14, 41, 15 (likely would’ve have been greater if not for that bad call in our favor), and 20. Its a good thing Buffalo is not on our schedule. They would wreck us. Offense really is awful. To hear Todd say that Tom’s 11 day absence, personal issues, missing regular days off (which he hasn’t done in the past), and missing Saturday walk thru for a wedding… didn’t have a negative impact on this game? I hope Tom gets his mind right. Because right now, he’s looking every bit of 45.

John Arroyo

Seems like sky is falling but we’re close to being elite again so many missed chances call Bruce to come back and play call

nAllen Cadarette

Why are we calling running plays to our weakest side?? Left side isn’t hacking it.

Nick Rodriguez



1st and 10….hand off to Lenny, run to the left into the rear end of the tackle, 2nd and 9, side line pass to someone, missed, 3rd and 9, Brady back, looking deep, just missed on the seam route….
that was 2020, 2021 and now 2022…..Clown show.

Ryan Fick

Jenna’s Gem of the day: asking when cam Brate will be back playing after the dude was feared to have a broken neck and paralyzed 18 hours earlier.

    Paul Jacobs

    …it was a reasonable question, welcome to being a reporter.

    Ryan Fick

    @Paul Jacobs Absolutely terrible and insensitive question. Dude is glad to be walking today. Moreover, an experienced reporter would know the custom and practice is that Brate needs a barrage of medical tests this week and there is absolutely zero chance the coach could answer that question the Monday after a game.

    Pat Westcott

    She’s a bit special

    Kevin voisine

    @Pat Westcott I find her very hard to listen to

    Bryan Tatem

    Paralyzed? I haven’t seen any evidence of that report.

Phoenix King

To sum this up “We need to do better” and “I have no idea what is wrong or how to right the ship”.

Will Gaines

A number of teams are slow out of the gate and not firing on all cylinders, to include Green Bay and Tampa Bay. However, I do believe Tampa is going to get there and will win their division, and be a dangerous team come playoffs.


Todd Bowles is solid. I do feel better after watching the presser. I do believe in him & that this team will get better.

    Kristen Gabbard

    Very far from “solid”. Not sure what games you’ve been watching….

Island girl Tai

As far as I’m concerned I’ve watched Brady my whole life, we’re the same age. And I’m from New England but always support Brady wherever he is. And I’ve seen the Brady led patriots go and win the SB with 11-5 record. So…….. unless they keep losing past no return, people please quit with the drama.
Pats Brady first SB win season 11/5, 2014- 12-4 won SB, 2018- 11/5, won SB and in Tamps in 2020, season record, 11-5 oh yeah, he won the SB that year too! So…….last I checked and followed Brady led Pats all my life, factoring one extra season game……..
maybe panic, judge, jury when it’s 6-7 games lost.

Violenza Fantastica

Reality is the Bucs played all of their hardest games right away. Rest of the schedule is far easier. Plenty of time to figure things out.

Vince Mann

I really like this guy. Very straight up. Now it’s time for the players to get the job done, and the coordinators (Byron) too.


Luke has been going against some top tier defensive tackles as a rookie that’s not easy

Tony Grate

Come on guy’s we know that you all are better then this so let’s go Bucs!!! We are behind you guy’s 100% so let’s go Bucs all the way!!!

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