Todd Bowles Gives Injury Updates, Panthers Game Preview | Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Twon Gotti

Let’s lock up this division this weekend

Only in Ohio

Play everyone on defense unless they physically canโ€™t play. We need the full squad to beat the panthers this is the most important game of the season so far. And then rest them all next week



Always Forward


JJ Faris

How to stop Carolina’s run game + Dalton has been more accurate than Tom of late. This W is huge for both teams. I want so much for the Bucs to find a way to W. Good luck Tampa


    easy win for Panthers

    Logan Hentko

    @WN you smell like poop

    Mary Gilliam

    Yes let’s do this bucks

    WDtip VR

    Dalton would play better then Tom on the Bucs team this year.

    J D

    @WDtip VR Learn English; THEN you can post better THAN a toddler.


Let The Goat call the plays in the huddle.

Opi Okapi

Love you Coach ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿงธ I’ll be there this Sunday Funday cheering you on ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’

Fairwarning 007

Jeez, anyone have trouble sleeping at night? Just listen to a Todd Bowlesโ€™ press conference and youโ€™ll be out like a rock in no time.

    J D

    Night shift morticians rejected this guy as too low key, so he went into coaching.


    โ€‹@J D fr

    Black Crow Vol 2



Howโ€™s this pedestrian our HC? ๐Ÿ˜ข

Louie Flash

I hope to see a sprinkle of the up tempo offense throughout the game. It would be nice to see the other teams defense have to guess what’s next now and then.

David Strachan

Wish HC Bowles would just get to the mic and give a full injury update before anyone asks a question.


Please give these coaches the wisdom to win this game, and get this offense playing like they are in the NFL.

Dan Regan

A must win. Let’s take care of business on Sunday Bucs! Please unleash the offense for once.

    Jil Prantner

    I could not agree with you more! Unleash the offense!!! They are not the same team this year. They have gotten so conservative. I don’t think that TB believes in “no risk it, no biscuit”.

Calling Oz

Bucs are at bottom of every stat which is embarrassing. It will be a miracle last drive that โ€œmay โ€œ win it. Until they change the coaching staff it wonโ€™t get any better . Bowles is so condescending and with his sarcastic matter of fact attitude. Itโ€™s painful to watch the games, news conf, and the girl that asks the goofiest questionsโ€ฆ tough year for us fans.After the last game look for many to get the pink slip.

Rome S Samra

It’s about to go down, Todd’s smirk….he knows bucs coming for this win!!!!!

Hunter Clark

Go bucs!!!

Mysterious Man??

What have you done for us all year to talk to you?

Paulie taliho

Are we ready to let go of the failing formula yet???

Paulie taliho


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