Through The Eyes of Bobby Bell: A Tale of Football, Family, & Inclusion – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE


Mitch Peters

Bobby Bell is the best all around athlete to ever play for the Chiefs

Tommy Sparks



Love to see more stories like this.

    James T. Kirk

    Yes. I second that.

Mary Irving

Wow a powerful statement by Bobby Bell


Mann i love my CHIEFS!!


Wow! That was powerful!

K Beecham

Great athlete. Genuinely wonderful man. He truly cares abt KC. He is an inspiration

Fred Dakin

I grew up watching every move Bobby Bell, Willie Lanier, Aaron Brown, Lynch, Buck, Culp, the entire defense made. They were my boyhood heros. We’ve lost a bunch of the guys,but I hope all that remain do well and are happy.

    Bill Horton

    I grew up watching the same teams, but being a receiver who played cornerback on defense (our Mighty Mite team only had 15 total players), my idol, and to this day, my only sports hero, Otis Taylor, #89, was my focus. My school only had Mighty Mite football one year, but I was lucky enough to play that yr.

rickie wiley

Well said Mr Bell. People fail to realize how important Mr Hunt was not only to football but to professional sports in general. If I’m not mistaken he is in more professional sports hall of fames than any other man. Football; Basketball’ Tennis, soccer. Off the top of my head. I’m sure there is others he is apart of. As a poor kid I lived one year in Gladstone Missouri and would walk across the street to the grocery store just to walk around and dream of the items in the bakery. I would stand there and just look. One day a man saw me standing there and asked me I’f I wanted something (I was 7 or 8 and assumed he was the manager and was gonna run me off) I said no Sir I dont have any money. He called a lady who worked there out of earshot from me they talked for a bit and he left. She called me over and said I could have anything I wanted from that point on. I walked over there everyday for the rest of the time I was there and gor 3 peanut butter cookies a day. I dont know what he said or did. But that man was Lamar Hunt.

Hal Fields

I love Bobby Bell. What a player! what a man!

Cheb Ornek

Instantly saved to favorites.



Guitar After 40

This makes me more proud than ever to be a part of Chiefs Kingdom!



Melissa Wissler

Incredible story! Incredible athlete and incredible owner!

Chris Shelton

This guy practices what he preaches. He talks with people. It’s that simple. He walked up behind me once and just struck up a conversation simply because he liked the jersey I was wearing. I’ve been a rabid Chiefs fan since the late 80’s but I had no idea who he was at the time (sorry dad). I wish I could more talks like that. We’re conditioned to not even make eye contact, much less talk. It’s so simple yet we don’t do it. We could fix a lot of things with that simple advice of his. Sign me up…

Dat Boi CJ

Shout out to the goat Lamar Hunt for being different, for showing he cared about men of color back then when very few whites did

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