Three Things: Week 1 prep, special teams and the Packers’ offensive line – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Chris Belanger

let’s gooo pack!!

Antwon Coleman

Let’s get this W Sunday 😤😤

    paper craft


William J

Pack 27 Queens 24


    Pack 38 ViQueens 10

James Westen

🤘👽 The Rock rules

Mike Dorsey

Why doesn’t Larry get that pinky finger fixed on his left hand?

    Rodney Sperberg

    Why doesn’t Strahan fix his tooth gap?

    Rodney Sperberg

    @John Willard great question

    Bobbie Grace

    A memory of when he played for GB


Special Teams are still a weakness.

Absolute Death

Larry the og triple OG 💪🧀

Piko Van

Just block the inside guy on field goal edge please. Like you did all year, Tyler Lancaster.

Sure coach!

Proceeds to block non rushing outside guy.

Sean's Channel

Larry I like you but you crazy

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