Three Things: Jordan Love, offseason changes, and Tyler Davis – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Charles Jones

Dont sell us the jordan love pitch againlol


    Loves going to get us a number 1 pick

    Johnny Blaze

    @HairBandDan not a chance. . .maybe a late 3rd or 4th if a team has injuries. . .


    @Johnny Blaze I know I was only playing 😂

    Johnny Blaze

    @HairBandDan ahhh. Sarcasm is apparently lost on me. . .go pack

Ttom Gast

Go Wefense !

DJ Rychlak

Larry’s cool.

Tad Somato

Wes is 2/3 Larry. And that’s ok.

Paul Peterson

These two remind me so much of Bob Uecker and his sidekick in Major League.


    Harry Doyle and his sidekick Monty

David Dorger

Jordan Love is a bust.

    William Hermann

    They drafted him over 2 years ago. Get over it.


    Straight up!


    @William Hermann yup been over it lol 😂

    Dr. Doof69

    You know how Jordan love was a mistake taking him well your a bigger mistake

Lucas S

Wefense! Wefense!

Mick Crocodile Dundee

How did Wolf look??

Glen Bard

I’ve been waiting for better special teams play ever since former special teams coach Nolan Cromwell left.

Ikken Hisatsu

I’m saying it again – Wes and Mike look like they have a mortal fear of Larry. Nervous laughter, the whole thing. Like he’s gonna snap and break their necks.

Andy Anderson

Let’s hope the new weefense doesn’t wee all over themselves like past years.

Ced Lee

Wefense? Terrible

Tom C

Wefense?… That’s wetarded.

Kyle Stricklin

He’s always gotta get that finger on screen. Oofta

Elizabeth Schroeder


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